Yogurt in the diet: does it help you lose weight?

It is one of the recurring desserts and breakfasts in many houses: yogurt. With a soft texture, easy to eat and easy to digest, it is a food that has been with us for centuries. A dairy obtained by bacterial fermentation that can be taken with a thousand companions and in a thousand different ways.

You only need to go to the supermarket to realize the great variety of them. But, is it good to introduce yogurt into the diet? can it help you lose weight?

Introduce yogurt into the diet

Well yes, yogurt can help us lose weight. And it also provides us with other benefits such as:

  • Maintain the intestinal flora in good condition
  • keep us satiated
  • Keep belly fat under control
  • Strengthen and provide calcium

For these reasons, yogurt is usually very present in diets. It is a food that helps us take care of our flora, so our body will better absorb the nutrients that we provide.

It is a healthy and natural way of eating dairy, which will always provide us with high doses of calcium. Thanks to this we will also be able to keep abdominal fat at bay, because it will help us reduce the activity of a hormone called cortisol (one of the causes of abdominal fat in stressful situations).

It is proven that the daily intake of yogurt will also contribute to greater fat loss and decrease the risk of heart disease.

In addition, it is a satiating product, so when taking it mid-morning or afternoon, it will help us keep hunger under control.

When we talk about dairy we can also think of milk or cheese. However, there is a large population that is intolerant of the former. The second can also present salt and fat. For this reason, turning to yogurt provides the same nutritional value, while being easy to digest and without adding extra fat.

How to choose the best yogurt to lose weight?

  • As we have mentioned before, supermarkets are full of thousands of different yogurt options: different flavors, sweetened, unsweetened, 0%, skimmed, Greek type… Which is the most beneficial for our diet?
  • The first thing to be clear about is that you have to choose it well, otherwise instead of helping us it will give us unnecessary fat that will not help us when it comes to losing weight. Keep two things in mind when choosing them:

Added sugar

Some yogurts can contain up to 25 grams of sugar per unit. Including 0%. That is why it is important to look at the amount of sugar they bring by looking at the label. Ideally, between 7 and 17 grams of carbohydrates.

The light

As you will have heard more than once, light yogurts are not entirely good for helping you lose weight. Most of them contain artificial sweeteners that are unhealthy and do not contain that good fat that can help us lose weight.

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