Why some eat a lot and do not gain weight

One day is one day… But for those who can afford everything they want because they don’t gain a kilo, every day can be that day. Surely you have ever met one of those people who, no matter how much they swell up, are always just as thin. But why do some eat a lot and not get fat? And, above all, the million-dollar question: why can’t I be one of those people?

Eat a lot and not gain weight, anyone’s dream

As the BBC collects, a medical student carried out an experiment with a group of volunteers during which they ate about twice the usual calories. For this research, the women ate about 3,500 calories and the men 5,000. Four weeks later, this girl had gained 3.5 kg, almost 7% of her body weight, however, her data differed from the results of other participants. who had gained between half a kilo and 4.5 kilos. From there, a comparison was made of how different bodies react to the same approximate calorie intake.

There are several factors that affect when it comes to gaining more or less weight before eating food.

Genes have a lot to say

According to various studies, genetics is closely related to how food makes each person fat. It is said that the FTO (Fat Mass and Obesity associated) genes and their variants are what make some people gain kilos more easily than others.

On the other hand, other experts say that genes can also influence appetite, since some people are better at identifying when they are full while others have a much harder time saying no to food.

Everyone gets fat in a different way

In the aforementioned experiment, it was also possible to show that not all bodies gain weight in the same way. There were volunteers who, despite gaining up to 4.5 kilos, their physical appearance did not seem to change much. This is due to the constitution of each person, but also to their metabolism. Instead of fat, their weight went to muscle, according to experts who oversaw the research.

What surrounds you affects you?

Not everyone has the same perception of food or the same experience with it. In this way, those who have had a healthy relationship and routine when it comes to eating since they were young, tend to be more aware when it comes to sitting down at the table.

Although they eat a lot with you, their mentality is healthier and it is possible that when they are intimate they have a more balanced mentality and more self-control.

Losing weight at night is possible

Perhaps the trick of that person who seems not to gain weight despite everything they eat is to sleep well. According to scientists, when we sleep well, the hormone somatropin is activated, which accelerates the burning of subcutaneous fat and, therefore, in the long run, weight loss occurs.

On the other hand, the position in which you sleep can also have a lot to do with it. When you sleep on your back, blood circulation is allowed to increase and, therefore, more fluids are eliminated. However, when you sleep on your stomach, digestion is difficult.

Eating slowly helps to gain less weight

Chewing a lot of the food that we put in our mouths facilitates digestion. But also, when we eat slowly we give the brain time to realize when we are full. Could those people who seem to eat a lot actually not eat that much, but rather take a long time to eat it?

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