Why eating healthy is not the same as being on a diet

Many people totally mistakenly think that eating healthy is the same as going on a diet. On many occasions, diets seek immediate results without taking into account how harmful and detrimental this diet can be for health in the medium and long term.

Difference between eating healthy and being on a diet

  • Danger of miracle diets. People with extra kilos and who want to lose weight quickly and effectively tend to resort to so-called miracle diets without taking into account the danger they pose to health. These diets forget about a healthy and balanced meal and opt for a type of poor diet with hardly any nutrients in order to obtain results as quickly as possible. In the long run, the rebound effect makes the person recover double the kilos they had at the beginning.
  • Healthy and balanced diet. Nutrition experts recommend above all following a type of diet that is as healthy as possible so that the body can receive the greatest amount of nutrients possible. A diet based on fresh and healthy products such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts or cereals is perfect when it comes to losing weight and saying goodbye to those extra kilos.
  • Do some sport. If you think you have a few extra kilos, forget about the so-called miracle diets and choose to eat in a healthy way, excluding harmful products such as fats or added sugars. If you combine this diet with some physical exercise, you won’t have too many problems when it comes to being able to recover your ideal weight and show off your body. In this easy and simple way, you can lose weight and quickly recover your figure.

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