What foods should not be mixed to lose weight

If you want to lose a few extra kilos to show off a perfect figure, you only have to follow a well – balanced and healthy diet that provides the necessary nutrients to your body. In addition to this, a little exercise is perfect to complete the plan. You must take into account which foods to include in this diet and which not to mix, in order to lose weight correctly and lose those kilos that bother you so much.

Foods you should not mix to lose weight

Most weight loss diets tend to limit many foods, which is very hard for the person who follows such a diet. The so-called anti-diet will allow you to eat in a healthy way while you are going to lose weight. This technique is based on the combination of a series of foods that will allow you to avoid the accumulation of fat in your body. The main and most important thing in this technique is not to mix certain foods and in this way you will lose weight without problems. Avoid mixing the following foods:

  • Proteins with proteins. Milk, chicken, eggs, lentils, tuna, nuts, cereals, cheese, serrano ham.
  • Starchy proteins. Eggs with potatoes, potatoes with meat, bread with cheese, rice with vegetables.
  • Fats with sugars. Pasta with sugary drinks, almonds with honey, pastries, cakes, whipped cream.
  • Starch with starch. Potatoes with rice, cereals with bananas, sponge cake with milk.
  • Starch with acid. biscuits with orange, orange juice with bananas, rice or potatoes with vinegar or lemon juice.

If you avoid combining this series of foods and follow a balanced diet, you will gradually lose weight without any problems.

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