What can happen to you if you follow a 600-800 calorie diet

There are diets of 1,200 calories, 800 and even 600, but the truth is that the only thing that is achieved by following this type of diet for several days is health problems, as well as a rapid weight gain once you return to ingest the necessary calories daily. Did you know that these diets cause hormonal problems and imbalances in the body? We discover the risks of following a daily diet of 600-800 calories.

Dangers of 600-800 calorie diets 

We will not get tired of telling you over and over again: never start a diet without first consulting a specialist (endocrinologist or nutritionist) and, above all, remember that there are no miracle diets. The most important thing is to eat sensibly: eat five meals a day, not skip any, eat fruits and vegetables, avoid alcohol and caffeinated products, and banish foods with saturated fats from your kitchen.

Despite these warnings, people, obsessed with losing weight quickly, start trying low-calorie diets without knowing the negative consequences that this can have for their body. We tell you what can happen to you if you follow a 600-800 calorie diet.

  1. Voltage drops

Any diet that is below the necessary daily calories can lead to drops in blood pressure or sugar.

  1. Renal problems

To this we must add that kidney problems may appear, since the kidneys are forced not to filter the proteins they need.

  1. Risk of hypoglycemia

The risk of hypoglycemia triggered by carbohydrate restriction is also greatly increased by following a diet that is too low in calories.

  1. Imbalance of the organism 

Constipation, diarrhea, fatty liver, vitamin, mineral and protein deficits are other consequences that the body can suffer if it is deprived of a healthy and balanced diet. The lack of essential nutrients, vitamins and proteins leads to an imbalance in the body.

  1. Stress and anxiety

The consequences are not only physical, but also mental: pictures of anxiety, depression, nervousness and irritability added to the constant feeling of hunger.

  1. The rebound effect

Another of the dangers of following 600-800 calorie diets is known as the rebound effect. If there are days when you fast or skip meals to eat only that amount of calories, your metabolism will give you an unwanted response as well as an increase in body fat. Our body is prepared to withstand a very copious meal one day, but not to drastically reduce calories, so the metabolism will act in the opposite way to what you expect.

  1. Feeling dizzy

Other risks to take into account are possible dizziness, fatigue, muscle weakness, and swelling problems in the feet and hands due to fluid retention.

  1. Problems in the cardiovascular system

If you follow this type of diet, even more so if you do it for a long time, you will get a possible failure in the cardiovascular system caused by a bad diet.

  1. Metabolic stress

These diets generate metabolic stress that ends up accelerating premature aging of the skin and deteriorating the state of health in general in the medium-short term.

  1. Vitamin deficiency

Deficiencies in essential minerals and vitamins cause complications that are difficult to repair in the body. Also, keep in mind that if it is followed for a long period of time, it can lead to endocrine disorders.

Remember that a medium-sized woman needs a daily caloric intake of between 1,500 and 2,000 calories; the choice is yours.

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