Warnings about intermittent fasting: when it is NOT recommended

In recent years we have seen how intermittent fasting is one of the most chosen ways to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, as long as it is done correctly. This type of feeding consists of eating food at one time of the day, and at another time consuming only liquids.

However, intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone. In this article we spoke with nutritionist Paola Cóser about the warnings of intermittent fasting and when it is not recommended. Are you thinking of following this way of eating? Keep reading and find out more!

Cases in which intermittent fasting is not appropriate

As we said, intermittent fasting can be an option for many people. There are those who have seen many benefits in it, not only losing weight, but also improving mental acuity, reducing intestinal inflammation or promoting sleep patterns. Do you want to know which people are not recommended to follow this type of diet?

People with Eating Disorder

  • Intermittent fasting is not indicated for these people, because it is a psychological disorder that causes the sufferer to not eat correctly, even having prohibited foods and following very restrictive diets that, in general, make them lose weight.
  • Therefore, people with eating disorders should avoid this type of diet because they can continue in a state of restriction, since there are times when nothing is eaten. In this case, it is not necessary to have a diagnosis on the table: a nutritionist will simply realize that there are patients who are not prepared for it.
  • Of course, in people with anxiety who do not have an eating disorder, intermittent fasting is very useful as long as it is supervised. In other words, it is recommended that these people attend retreats or spaces where fasting is accompanied by yoga or mindfulness, relaxing practices that influence when starting this type of diet. But each person is different, so the needs of each one must be taken into account in these retreats, as well as her emotional state.

People in the process of growth, such as children or adolescents

  1. Intermittent fasting has multiple benefits, as long as the person doing it is already an adult. Children and adolescents are in a period of physical and mental growth in which they cannot deprive themselves of practically any food, in fact, it is not recommended that they spend more than three hours without eating any food.
  2. The diet in this vital period is crucial, since it will influence their health and, in addition, they are people who require more energy intake, so restricting food is dangerous for them and can have consequences.

Pregnant or lactating women

It is also not recommended in women who are pregnant or lactating. In these vital moments, the recommendation is that they follow a balanced diet, of five meals a day, rich in vitamins and minerals. Even to gain reserves in maternal fat if later it is intended to breastfeed. The reason is that during pregnancy or lactation the baby should be helped to develop it correctly, and doing this intermittent fasting could cause nutritional deficiencies and some health problems for both the woman and her child.

People with gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux

People who are suffering from gastritis should avoid intermittent fasting during the time in which they suffer from this ailment. Heartburn could do more damage than they already have, so in this case it is better to go on a bland diet than intermittent fasting. In this sense, the nutritionist recalls that it is not that they cannot do it, perhaps instead of doing it for 8 hours they could do it for 10 or 12 hours, as long as the person notices a benefit.

People with hypertension or diabetes

  1. People with diseases such as hypertension or type 1 or type 2 diabetes will need a more exhaustive study by a professional to indicate whether or not they can do intermittent fasting. And it is that, according to Paola Cóser, it is not that they cannot do it, it is that most of the time it is not recommended. But it would be necessary to evaluate each particular case and the needs of the patient by a specialized professional.
  2. Now that you know the warnings about intermittent fasting, we can only remind you that if you have any doubts about whether or not you can do it, the ideal is to put yourself in the hands of a nutritionist. It will be who best studies your case and who can tell you when it is not advisable to follow this type of diet.

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