Tricks to eat in summer and not gain weight!

Many people view summer as a time when you inevitably gain weight, but that’s not entirely true. Eating in summer and not gaining weight is possible if we take into account a series of guidelines that will not only allow us to take care of our diet, but will help us avoid that feeling of heaviness after a meal on the beach.

Eating in summer and not gaining weight as possible

  • Fruit, your best ally. In summer we usually eat less heavy things and we opt more for lighter foods full of water. How about replacing the mid-morning chips with a yellow kiwi or an apple? Dietitians and endocrinologists advise consuming 4 or 5 pieces of fruit a day and remember that some, like the Paraguayan fruit, contain sugars that must be eliminated later with physical exercise.
  • Salads, don’t miss it! Lettuce, lamb’s lettuce or raw green spinach are ideal for killing hunger at lunch and/or dinner, but… be careful! If you add goat cheese to these, add nuts with salt or drizzle them with Caesar-type sauces, it would be useless! Substitute these ingredients for something lighter such as tomatoes, tuna or special virgin olive oil for salads.
  • Listen to your stomach. Many times we go through a beach bar and say “I’m hungry!”, but it’s not real hunger, it’s more like “I feel like it” or “I’m whimsical”. That is why we recommend that you analyze if it is a physical hunger or rather a psychological hunger and, also, we advise you to hydrate. In summer, due to the heat, some people mistake thirst for hunger. Try drinking a glass of water and see if this satisfies your hunger. If not, have a light snack, how about some fruit? Or raw and unsalted nuts? some burgos cheese? tomato juice? There are many and varied options!
  • Do not skip any meal. Even if you have a snack in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon, we recommend that you do not skip lunch or dinner, but that you adapt what you are going to eat according to what you have had as an aperitif. Skipping a meal can only make you hungrier after a few hours and cause you to binge.
  • Do exercise. Take advantage of the fact that you have more free time to walk on the beach, practice some aquagym in the pool or do some sport that allows you to enjoy your free time. Are you going to ride a bike, play paddle tennis, run or become a fan of volleyball?

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