The reality of mixing carbohydrates and proteins in the diet (NOT fattening)

When we begin to be interested in the world of diets and healthy eating, we may find ourselves with many doubts, and also with various myths that exist in all kinds of topics. Among them we can highlight the one that affirms that eating carbohydrates at night is not entirely recommended, or that the crumb of bread is fattening.

Another of the most widespread myths has to do with mixing proteins with carbohydrates. But what is true about it? Proponents of not mixing these types of foods claim that when you do, the body becomes saturated. In other words, a neutralization occurs that prevents digestion from being carried out correctly and quickly.

The reality of mixing carbohydrates and proteins in the diet is that it is not as fattening as many believe it is. For this reason, we have proposed to clear up your doubts and answer once and for all this question that so many people believe but, in reality, are wrong.

Digestion, key to mixing proteins and carbohydrates 

  • To understand if it is possible to mix carbohydrates and proteins in the same dish, the first thing you must understand is the origin of the myth. It is important to know that proteins, fats or carbohydrates require different digestive enzymes to be processed by the body. For example, hydrates are digested in an alkaline pH environment, while proteins need an acid environment.
  • And up to here everything is true, because both types of food require different means to digest. However, upon reaching the stomach, the digestive juice solution and the food become acidic and digestion can proceed perfectly. The problem is that by neutralizing and assimilating all food, the body will spend energy and time. And the more quantity there is, the more time (digestion hours) and energy it will spend.
  • What could an energy expenditure and excessive digestion time translate into? In that food could ferment and, therefore, the body would not use it as it should. The main reason why they could make you gain weight and, in turn, cause heaviness or heartburn.
  • In short, it is a long process that if done incorrectly can end up with heavy digestions. But the reality is that this is not why we should eliminate or separate them. We simply need to find a balance in eating with a clear key: eat with your head.

The reason why you can mix carbohydrates and proteins in the same dish

  1. The first thing to keep in mind is that digestion depends a lot on each person. There are those who find it heavy to eat certain foods, such as lettuce or paella, and there are people who do not. So, what is the key so that the mixture of carbohydrates and proteins does not get fat? The equilibrium. When the amount of protein and vitamins is greater than that of carbohydrates, the body will be able to assimilate everything correctly. In this way, the food will not ferment and you can say goodbye to heavy digestions or weight gain.
  2. When you go to a restaurant you will find numerous dishes that have a mixture of both, and surely you will not be able to separate them easily. But you shouldn’t worry too much, because the key is to be aware that you should eat more protein and vitamins than carbohydrates, all without exceeding the amount. Easy, right?
  3. This is the reason why the Mediterranean diet does recommend a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins, because you simply have to be aware of the right amount in which you eat the dishes. So don’t worry! You can mix, for example, pasta with tuna or egg, as long as your diet is balanced and, of course, you move to burn it. Remember that doing moderate exercise on a daily basis is very important.

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