The properties of celery to lose weight

Vegetables and fruits should be the basis of any diet to lose weight in an effective way. Within these foods, celery has numerous properties that are perfect for achieving a body of ten. Then take good note of the properties of celery, as it will help you eliminate those kilos that you need to lose as soon as possible.

Properties of celery to lose weight

  • Because celery is almost entirely made up of water, it is a diuretic, easily digestible food that helps cleanse the entire body of toxins and other substances that are harmful to the body. Celery has numerous and excellent properties that help both to lose weight and to have an optimal state of health.
  • It has a satiating effect, so it will help you not to snack between meals. It is rich in minerals such as potassium and sodium and is an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2 and B6, so celery consumption will help you to have skin and hair in perfect condition. Finally, remember that celery is good for avoiding high cholesterol and improving blood circulation.

Other benefits of incorporating celery into our diet

This vegetable is recommended for all kinds of people, not just for those who want to lose weight. In addition, they can take it from children to the elderly because there are all advantages (avoid consuming it in excess if you are pregnant, in case of stomach problems never consume it raw and in people with possible allergic reactions). Let’s list some of them:

  • It fights viruses and bacteria, which makes it an almost essential food for the whole family. Also, in case of high fever, it can help control it and prevent colds and flu.
  • It has a beneficial power on the liver, helping the proper functioning of this organ and also fighting any type of infection and even purifying them.
  • Experts point out that it is very good for the eyesight and for taking care of the skin.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory power, celery goes very well with all kinds of diseases ending in itis (cystitis, urethritis, arthritis…)
  • Finally, those people who have trouble falling asleep or have episodes of anxiety or stress have a great ally in oil and celery seeds to combat these pathologies thanks to the organic alkaline minerals they contain.

Recipes to prepare with celery 

If you want to lose weight, there are a wide variety of juices made from celery and other highly cleansing foods that are perfect for it. You can also take it in salads cooked or raw to accompany hummus. Running out of ideas? Here are some:

Celery and orange smoothie

In a bowl, place the chopped celery stalk, the juice of two oranges, a few bay leaves and a chopped nopal stalk. Crush everything and drink it in the morning for a week and you will soon notice the effects.

Celery, pear, carrot and cucumber juice

  1. Take all the foods and cut them into small pieces (three celery stalks, two pears and two cucumbers and one carrot) and beat them. If you see that it has become a bit thick, add a little water. For the summer it is a very refreshing option to beat the heat.
  2. To obtain good results in your purpose of losing weight, you must accompany the consumption of celery with a balanced diet without any fat and with some daily physical exercise that allows you to eliminate calories as quickly and continuously as possible.

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