The impressive power of the mind to lose a few extra kilos

When we set out to lose weight, we immediately go to the endocrinologist to recommend a special diet, we look for tricks, we exercise… And, most of the time, we end up abandoning that regime and wondering why all that we have done has not worked. Hasn’t it ever happened to you? Well, the key is in our head. Did you know that the mind has a wonderful power that can make you lose those extra kilos? After years of trying, you can finally achieve it. Keep reading.

Do you want to lose weight? use the power of your mind

The truth is that, as happens for example with sports, when it comes to losing weight, our head also plays a very important role. The psychological is what in most cases we should control to move forward. It is essential to know each other well, not to deceive ourselves, to be clear about our objectives and why we pursue them. In this way, when we go on a diet, all those ideas that we have clearly established in our minds will help us achieve a positive result.

Just like a smoker will not stop smoking no matter how many people tell him until he is convinced, your diet will not work out until your arguments and your mind are 100% clear.

Psychological tricks to lose weight

  1. Self-control and reasoning

Your mind should not say no to eating sweets, for example. Because that purpose will last you two days. Your mind must reason why it is better NOT to eat them than to eat them: for example, exercising in the gym will be harder or it will be more difficult for me to exercise, I will regain what has cost me so much effort to lose… That self-control must be born from our own arguments.

  1. Be aware of the results

If what we see makes us happy (we have lost volume, the scale reflects a lower weight every time…) we will not associate it with sacrifice, but with feeling better and that will help us move forward with determination.

  1. The dish, best served

Generally, having a plate full of food in the center of the table from which we can serve as much as we want will lead us to repeat several times and end up spending the recommended amount. However, if you bring your plate to the table with the right food already served, you will eat what is strictly necessary and on top of that you will do it more slowly and without anxiety. You’ll get your fill sooner! The result? Lose weight easily and without even realizing it. Sounds good, huh?

  1. Eliminate from your sight all those foods that you do not want to eat

That is, if you consider that you must eliminate something from your daily diet to lose weight, DO NOT BUY IT. If you have it in the kitchen cupboard and you see it every time you open it, your mind will end up telling you “nothing happens for a day” and you will end up sinning. And so over and over again. If you are really looking to lose weight, it is essential that you get out of this vicious circle. As? Going shopping with a list of what you really want to buy (and buy only that!). Another important piece of advice: go shopping without being hungry (when you go hungry, everything “bad” ends up attracting much more attention). Or has it not happened to you?

  1. Be very careful with mood swings

It is completely inevitable that, on occasions, we have “peaks” of mood, anxiety or stress that make us throw everything we have already achieved to the ground. No problem! What you should do in these cases is try to find an activity that distracts you and makes you vent: walk, dance, play sports… Once you’re clearer, take a moment to review the reasons why you were on the diet. It also helps to put yourself in front of the mirror and remind yourself what are the advantages of continuing to do it and what are the disadvantages of quitting. Test it!

  1. Make diet fun

The first thing you should do is become aware of why what you are eating is beneficial for you, as well as being aware of why what you should not take is bad for your health. With that knowledge present, it will cost you less to reason and understand it. Also, a very simple trick is to look for fun recipes that make you entertained in the kitchen. It will motivate you much more when it comes to trying new healthy foods!

  1. Keep track

Have a calendar on the wall and cross out the days that you have complied with both the diet and the sport. That will help you visually and psychologically to motivate you. When you have several days, you will want to get more and so on. When you have several in a row and you skip one, you’ll see the empty slot and don’t want to do it next time.

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