The dangers of the sleeping beauty diet

Today we put on the table what is known as the sleeping beauty diet, talking about all the dangers it entails for health. Miracle diets seem to be more and more the order of the day.

What is the sleeping beauty diet?

  • It receives the name of diet although in reality it is not, what this method proposes is not to eat or to eat as little as possible. To deceive the body and avoid the feeling of hunger, you have to sleep, the more the better, and this is when drugs, sedatives and other pills enter the scene to manage to sleep many hours of the night and day. The book ‘The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan: Lose Weight through Better Sleep’ defends this peculiar ‘diet’.
  • However, as other experts such as Dr. Tracey Wade, a professor of psychology at the University of Flanders, warn us, “it’s not just forcing the body to sleep more than it needs, but it will have to use higher and higher levels to get the desired effect. The idea of ​​withdrawing from life and staying in bed could appeal to those who already suffer from eating disorders or depression.” Let’s analyze the risks of this miracle diet:

Health risks of the sleeping beauty diet

Addiction to drugs and sedatives 

We have said before that drugs, sedatives or pills are consumed to achieve sleep for long periods of time, no less than between 19 and 20 hours a day. Well, here is the first of the health problems of this diet, these drugs create addiction, at the same time that they damage the body with their adverse effects, even more so if you take into account that they are taken without any need. The dose of sleeping pills is usually increased for its effect to be effective, therefore there is a risk of suffering an overdose.

Imbalance of the organism

You may lose weight if you follow this miracle diet for weeks, but you will not do it the right way. When you stop eating, the body becomes unbalanced, giving rise to dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, discomfort, anxiety, irritability, physical weakness and social isolation.


  1. In turn, over time mental problems can develop. By sleeping for so many hours in a row, the brain stops having the same activity and tends to receive little serotonin, causing depression.
  2. Before starting any aggressive and harmful regime like this one of the sleeping beauty diet, it is important that you inform yourself about its pros and cons as well as consult a specialist to find out all the adverse effects on your health.
  3. We will never tire of repeating it, exercising and eating healthy, give great results.

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