The best foods to maintain weight in autumn

Although with the summer heat many of us lose the desire to eat, with the holidays we tend to indulge in excesses. That is why the autumn season, during which we usually return to the routine, is a good time to lose a few kilos and gain health.

In addition to doing a little daily exercise, it is important to eat a type of diet that is low in calories and with a good amount of nutrients for the body. These are the best foods to maintain weight in the fall.

What should you eat to maintain weight in the fall?

The key to achieving a healthy diet is that it be varied. Everything fits in it, as long as you consume it in its proper measure.

  1. Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables

In autumn, we suggest you bet on vegetables such as pumpkin, eggplant or broccoli, which are quite nutritious foods that provide numerous vitamins and minerals to the body. Incorporate products such as chard, artichoke, endive or leek into your recipes.

Take the opportunity to incorporate seasonal foods into your diet. This is the case, for example, of mushrooms and mushrooms, which can be part of your daily life in a healthy way. These types of foods help strengthen the immune system and raise the body’s defenses. In addition to this, they are very low in calories so they will help you maintain your weight.

  1. Nuts and red fruits

Another series of foods that you can add to your autumn diet are nuts and red fruits. Both are rich in antioxidants that help fight premature aging as well as being perfect foods for good heart health. Red fruits such as blueberries or raspberries help reduce cholesterol levels and improve the body’s defensive system.

You can use them to incorporate them into your meals, your desserts… They are very versatile and are always a different touch to your diet.

  1. More tips for your fall diet

Do not forget to eat a lot of oily fish such as sardines or salmon, since they are rich in healthy omega 3 fats that are really beneficial for good health. Lastly, now that the cold is gradually arriving, it is good that you eat some legumes such as chickpeas or lentils since they are quite nutritious.

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