The 80/20 rule: Lose weight and treat yourself

If you are tired of following various types of diet without achieving any results, do not worry because with the 80/20 diet, followed by Hollywood stars such as Miranda Kerr or Jessica Alba, you will be able to reach your ideal weight quickly and easily. Many people have managed to lose weight with this weight loss plan without having to follow strict rules when eating. Do not lose detail of the guidelines that you must take into account to be able to boast of an enviable figure again now that the good weather arrives.

The success of the 80/20 rule 

This 80/20 rule is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight. The plan consists of eating 80% of the food in a healthy and low-calorie way while the other 20% is designed for some other whim that you can afford. It is a quite effective way to lose weight since you follow a healthy, balanced and varied diet. For the diet to be effective and you can lose the desired weight you have to take into account several factors:

  • If your current diet is unbalanced and high in calories, the 80/20 diet is sure to help you lose weight quickly. With this weight loss plan, you will eat 80% nutritious food with very few calories, while you can treat yourself to the occasional treat as long as it does not exceed 20% of the food in general.
  • The 20% rule must be followed in moderation and not exceed it. If you exceed said percentage, the diet will be of no use and you will not be able to lose the desired weight.
  • To lose weight and be able to reach your ideal weight, it is essential to combine this diet with some daily physical exercise. Thanks to physical activity you will be able to eliminate a greater number of calories from your body.
  • The 80/20 rule is for the whole week, so you won’t be able to forget about it over the weekend. It is useless to lose weight during the week if when Saturday or Sunday arrives you eat more than necessary.

Why follow the 80/20 rule? 

Elsa Pataky has been one of the last celebrities to sign up for this well-known diet because, as she herself says, “you behave well during the week, you eat fish, vegetables, you exercise… but one day you cheat your body a bit”, and adds: “It is impossible to be very strict or follow a diet for a long time, so the 80/20 rule is perfect, it allows me to indulge without going overboard.”

Lose weight with the 80/20 rule 

If you follow this rule, it is normal for you to lose half a kilo per week. If, despite following this diet, you cannot lose weight at all, you should take the following into account:

  • Sport is essential in this type of diet since 20% of them consume products high in fat and calories.
  • If you can’t lose weight, it is advisable that you follow a daily calorie count to readjust them and get the calories you need to lose weight.
  • If, despite everything, you still do not lose the kilos set, you can readjust the diet and opt for the 90/10 rule. In this way you will eat much healthier and you will be able to lose the desired weight. Guaranteed!
  • When eating you should do it in small quantities and many times a day. In this way you will ensure that the metabolism does not stop working and is burning continuously.

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