Snack recipes to lose weight fast

According to most nutritionists, it is not necessary to eat 5 meals a day to lose weight and be healthy. But it is highly recommended to make a snack to help you satiate yourself and not arrive with anxiety or ravenous hunger at dinner time.

Do not lose detail of the snack recipes that we propose in this article. Totally healthy, ideal for losing weight quickly and as an excellent option if you are looking to lose body fat. Ready? Take note of these delicious recipes!

What can I snack on if I want to lose some weight?

There are millions of healthy options for snack time. If you do not want to complicate your life too much and you are looking for something quick and simple, you can take note of the following ideas:

  • If you want to eat something really healthy and nutritious for a snack, it is best to open the fridge and grab a couple of pieces of fruit. Apples, strawberries and oranges are in season and thanks to their water and fiber content they will fill you up. Another possibility may consist of making a natural juice with one of these fruits, however, you must bear in mind that it is always preferable to consume the whole fruit. If you prefer in a liquid format, add a vegetable such as spinach or a protein such as milk or yogurt.
  • If you don’t feel like eating fruit, you can choose to eat some turkey or ham (containing at least 85% pork) along with whole wheat toast and fresh cheese. A light snack with a large number of healthy proteins for your body. Another high protein snack can be a natural yogurt, protein yogurt, 0% whipped cheese or a good glass of semi or soy milk.
  • Another great option is to eat a handful of nuts, such as almonds or walnuts. They are incredibly satiating and will give you the energy you need to carry out any activity during the afternoon. It is true that nuts contain a high percentage of fat, but they are healthy fats and, consumed in moderation, they are incredibly beneficial and very necessary for the body.
  • Liquids _ If you are not too hungry to have a snack, it is always a good option to have an infusion, a tea or a coffee with milk and dedicate those ten minutes of rest and tranquility.
  • Black chocolate. If you are craving something sweet, your best ally will be chocolate with 72% cocoa and up. At first it can be a bit bitter but we must educate the palate to flavors less loaded with incense sugars. It is also high in magnesium, and you can combine it with fruit or yogurt.

Healthy, simple and tasty snack recipes

If you have a little more time and want to work on a rich and delicious snack, here are some slightly more elaborate recipe ideas. You will lick your fingers!

Oat porridge recipe

The name may not sound familiar to you, but most likely you have seen one on Instagram, it has become the claim of the network! What exactly does this dish consist of? It is of English origin and could be translated as ‘porridge’, often oatmeal. It is prepared in a bowl and there are many varieties. Pieces of fruit, cereals and nuts are often added, although it can also include other ingredients such as honey, yogurt, jam or forest fruits. To prepare it, heat milk (it can be vegetable) in a saucepan over high heat. Before it starts to boil, reduce heat to medium and add the oat flakes. Cover it and let it cook for approximately ten minutes. Then, remove it from the heat and add the ingredients you want. Yummy!

Toast with tomato and mozzarella

Do you fancy something salty? Try this option! Take a piece of whole wheat toast, toast it (in the toaster or in the pan) and add four cherry tomatoes and a quarter of a ball of mozzarella cheese on top. Then dress with olive oil and basil. You’ll love it!

Strawberries with chocolate

If you have decided on fruit as a snack, but you want to give it a bit of joy, an exquisite alternative is to cover it with dark chocolate. Ideally, choose a chocolate with 85% cocoa because it is the one with the least sugar, but if you consider it too bitter you can also buy 70% chocolate. A very good combination is a handful of strawberries, a banana and two ounces of chocolate. Melt the ounces in a plate or bowl (you can do it in the microwave in about a minute, making sure it doesn’t burn) and then cover the fruit with the melted chocolate. Once you’ve covered it all, you can eat it right away or put it in the fridge for an hour to let the chocolate solidify again. And ready!

Ham, arugula and fresh cheese sandwich

Two slices of whole wheat bread, fresh cheese and a couple of slices of Serrano ham is all you need to prepare a healthy and light mid-afternoon snack. Very easy, right?

Banana pancakes recipe

Craving pancakes? These banana ones are going to awaken the maximum instincts of your palate! You only need a banana, two eggs, cinnamon, icing sugar (optional because the banana already adds sweetness), red fruits and 120 grams of flour, better if it is whole wheat. First, cut the banana into slices and place it in a bowl along with the eggs and flour. Beat everything with the help of a hand mixer. Heat a little butter or extra virgin olive oil and once it is very hot, pour a third of the mixture into a saucepan. When you see that the pancakes are done on one side, turn them over so that they are done on the other. Repeat this process until all the mixture is finished. Once you have all the pancakes on a plate, sprinkle them with cinnamon and icing sugar and place some red fruits on top. irresistible!

Homemade crepe with ham and light soft cheese

If what you really like is the combination of sweet and salty, you can try preparing a crepe with York ham and light soft cheese. For the crepe batter you will need an egg, 100 ml of skimmed milk, 30 g of cornstarch, salt and oil or butter to grease the pan. In a bowl, add the milk, the egg, the cornstarch and the salt. Beat with the hand mixer until you get a liquid cream. Grease a frying pan with a few drops of olive oil and pour the mixture until you see that it is completely distributed. You must cook it on low heat so that it does not burn. When you see that it has curdled on one side, turn it over so that it is done on the other. Repeat the process until you finish all the mixture. Once the crepes are ready, add a slice of ham to one of their sides and another of cheese and fold them in half (you can season them with some spice like oregano). Place them back in the pan one at a time. When they are golden brown and the cheese has melted, you can serve them. It will be the best snack you have ever had!

Tomato and cheese skewers

Skewers are always a simple and very tasty option. There are a thousand ways to prepare them and they are one of the best options for snacks. We leave you a video where you can see the recipe to make tomato, cheese, olive and anchovy skewers. You will not regret!

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