Plan of attack to eliminate the excesses of Christmas

Surely you have noticed that you have gained a couple of kilos after the end of the Christmas holidays. These are days of much excess and in which no one deprives themselves of anything, causing more than one disgust in many women. To regain your ideal weight, it is important that you recover healthy habits as soon as possible and start eating in a balanced way and without any fat.

How to recover the figure after Christmas?

  1. Once all the Christmas parties are over, it is important that you follow a type of diet that is healthy and balanced. It must include a good amount of nutrients that help the body to recover normality and avoid consuming foods that are harmful to the body such as fats, fried foods or sugars.
  2. A good option is to follow a type of diet that is cleansing and helps you detoxify the body. For this it is good to ingest a lot of liquids in the form of water, infusions or nutritional shakes of the detox type.
  3. Nor should you forget to consume low-calorie and nutritious foods that help you recover your figure, such as fruits, vegetables or skimmed dairy products.
  4. During the post-Christmas diet, you should eat low-fat foods and avoid sugar and salt consumption as much as possible.
  5. The diet must be complemented with some physical exercise so that you can eliminate the extra kilos in a faster and more effective way.
  6. One last piece of advice for losing weight is to rest for 7 to 8 hours so that your metabolism can burn calories without problems and you can say goodbye to those extra kilos on your body.

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