Low-fat diet to stylize the figure: low-fat menu

Foods contain different nutrients, which is why it is often recommended that a healthy diet contain foods from all food groups. However, current customs have meant that the balance that should be achieved does not exist, and it is precisely those most harmful foods that appear the most on our plates.

The low-fat diet tries to correct this defect by eliminating fatty foods from the diet. For several decades now, the relationship between excess poor-quality fat and cardiovascular problems has been demonstrated, as well as problems derived from obesity, also common in those who eat a diet high in saturated and trans fats.

Recommended foods (and others to avoid) in the low-fat diet

  • This type of low-fat or low-fat diet is based on low consumption of poor-quality fatty foods. Among the list of foods that we must avoid are, mainly, sausages, margarines, pâtés, sobrasadas, fatty cuts of meat (steak steak, rib or secret), offal, processed such as hamburgers, sausages, frozen products (such as cannelloni or lasagna), surimis, chips, bag snacks, biscuits and toasted bread.
  • Pastries, cookies and cocoa spreads should also be avoided. And above all known vegetable oils such as palm fat, hydrogenated fats, sunflower oil, soybean oil and seed oil.
  • Despite being a low-fat diet, we should not eliminate the consumption of foods rich in healthy fats, such as blue fish, whole or semi-fat dairy products, eggs, avocados, nuts and extra virgin olive oil. The consumption of red meat is recommended once a week, or every fortnight. In this sense, it is better to prioritize lean cuts and white meat.
  • The risk posed by this diet is that by trying to reduce the fat content of the diet too much, it can lead to an imbalance and the abuse of carbohydrates. Although the excess of poor quality fats has negative consequences, simple hydrates raise the glycemic index and can be just as dangerous. The best thing to do is to eat a balanced diet, in which fats are also present, although in their proper measure, and above all of good quality.
  • Typically, a low-fat diet limits fat intake to between 50 and 70 grams per day. Bearing in mind that for it to be considered a low-fat diet, it should be maintained at 1 gram of fat for each kg of the person’s weight. Therefore, if you weigh between 50 and 70kg, the amount of fat ingested in the form of healthy foods in a day will also be between 50 and 70 grams.

Recommendations when carrying out a low-fat diet

When carrying out a low-fat or low-fat diet, it is essential that you follow some tips such as the ones indicated below:

  • Cook food in such a way that it does not provide much fat, that is, you can grill, roast, bake, microwave or steam it. Avoid fried, breaded and battered. If you use oil, try to use a maximum of two tablespoons a day.
  • Control the amount of salt you add to your meals (less than 2g/day or what is equivalent to a small teaspoon). To give your dishes more flavor you can use seasonings and spices such as pepper, saffron, parsley or bay leaf.
  • Consume oily fish twice a week. They are a source of much-needed healthy fats. If you consume it canned, you can do it natural or in olive oil. Avoid canning in sunflower oil, as they are very harmful to your health.
  • Drink between 1.5 or 2 liters of water a day (approximately eight glasses). You can also take liquids in the form of infusions.
  • Avoid the consumption of sugary soft drinks, juices, sodas and alcohol. You should also restrict the intake of processed foods with a high content of simple sugars, fats and salt such as cookies, sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise…), pre-cooked products (lasagna, pizza…) and industrial pastries.
  • Try to include at least three fruits in your daily diet (preferably in whole pieces rather than in natural juices) and two dairy products (they can be skimmed, 0% fat and without added sugar, or natural).
  • If you want to follow a low-fat diet correctly and without putting your health at risk, it is best to eliminate all the processed foods that we have indicated at the beginning of the article from your diet. But do not stop consuming oily fish, eggs, and healthy fats such as nuts or avocado on a weekly basis. To make sure that you do it correctly, it is best that you go to a dietitian nutritionist for advice.

Sample menu for a low-fat diet

Breakfast (choose an option)

  • Skimmed milk (150 ml) + toasted bread (40 g) with sugar-free jam (10 g).
  • Skimmed milk (150 ml) + toasted bread (40 g) with fresh cheese (20 g) + fruit (150 g).

Mid-morning (choose an option)

  • Skimmed yogurt (125 g) + fruit (150 g).
  • Bread (30 g) + cooked ham (15 g).

Food (choose an option)

  • Pasta (60 g) with homemade tomato sauce (100 g), onion (40 g) and boneless chicken (30 g) + cucumber salad (100 g).
  • Zucchini cream (100 g zucchini, 80 g potato) + grilled chicken (100 g) with a salad garnish (75 g of lettuce or escarole + garlic).
  • Gazpacho (80 g tomato, 40 g onion, 30 g cucumber, 30 g pepper) + grilled hake (80 g) + roasted potato (100 g).
  • Lentils (80g dry) with curried vegetables + tomato salad (80g)

Snack (choose an option)

  • Bread toast (30 g) + fresh cheese from Burgos (40 g).
  • Skimmed yogurt (125 g) + fruit (100 g).

Dinner (choose an option)

  • Carrot cream (carrot 100 g, potato 60 g) + baked chicken (100 g) with tomato salad garnish (100 g).
  • Noodle soup (40 g) + Galician style octopus (60 g octopus, 60 g potato and paprika).
  • Pumpkin cream (80 g carrot, 100 g pumpkin, 100 g potato) + scrambled eggs with mushrooms (100 g), spinach (100 g) and egg whites (60 g).

Both at lunch and dinner, 40 g of bread can be added. Regarding dessert, 150 g of fruit can be consumed at lunch and dinner.

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