Lose weight with the 100-year diet

One of the reasons why obesity is the order of the day is due to the substitution of fresh foods for other processed ones. Our grandparents, great grandparents and great grandparents ate nutritious products such as vegetables, legumes, nuts or fruit, which in many cases they grew themselves. Today, the rhythms of life have changed, society has transformed and, consequently, the diet is based on foods rich in added sugars or saturated fats. With the diet of the 100 years it is eaten again in a healthy way and without any elements that are harmful to health. Do you want to know what it consists of? Do you want to know its main benefits? We anticipate that among the most common is losing weight in a balanced way.

How to lose weight with the 100-year diet?

  • You will satisfy your hunger. If you decide to follow this kind of diet, you can satisfy your hunger much sooner. Fresh foods such as vegetables or vegetables are rich in fiber, so their regular consumption will allow you to fill up much sooner and avoid eating a large number of calories.
  • Quality proteins. Proteins from fresh foods, such as oily fish or legumes, have a series of very good quality proteins that help make digestion much more pleasant and calories are eliminated much better.
  • Good sugars. Sugar, present in fruit and vegetables, is much healthier and is accompanied by other essential nutrients for the body, such as fiber, vitamins or minerals. This means that you do not have more appetite, as happens after eating processed foods rich in added sugars.
  • Soluble fiber. You can find this type of fiber in foods such as legumes or oranges and it is perfect when it comes to fighting extra pounds. Soluble fiber helps slow down the advance of food in the intestine and also allows you to satisfy your appetite quickly and efficiently.
  • Rich in antioxidants. The 100-year-old diet is rich in a good amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants, present above all in foods such as vegetables or fruit, will allow you to say goodbye to a few extra kilos and protect your health from possible future diseases.
  • You will eat more slowly. Fresh foods are quite rich in fiber, so they will require you to chew much more and get full much sooner. With less food you will lose your appetite sooner and therefore you will not consume many calories.

As you can see, the 100-year-old diet is not that complex and only requires that you eat in a healthy and nutritious way like our grandparents did. Foods such as nuts, greens, vegetables, oily fish or olive oil are essential to avoid obesity problems and, incidentally, lose a few extra kilos.

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