How to sleep to lose weight without realizing it

Scientists have discovered that when we don’t get a good night’s sleep, stay up all night, or spend a few hours sleeping, our body begins to produce a hormone that triggers the feeling of hunger. Has it ever happened to you that the nights you don’t rest well you wake up very hungry? This is the reason.

While we sleep, another hormone (somatropin) is also activated, accelerating the burning of subcutaneous fat and, consequently, weight loss. What happens is that the more tired we are, the more desire to eat we have. Hence, if we want to lose weight, the first thing we have to do is sleep well.

Some studies also claim that we burn three times more fat when we sleep than when we simply lie down to rest, so don’t be afraid to take a nap in your pajamas and with the blinds down. Other studies say that people who sleep less than 7 hours a day lose muscle, while those who sleep for about 8 hours lose fat.

Best posture to sleep and lose weight 

The sleeping position is very important to have sweet dreams. But, what is the best position to have a restful sleep that allows us to face the day with energy and helps us, incidentally, to lose weight?

  • If we sleep in a horizontal position and facing up, we increase blood circulation, which will make it easier for more liquids to be eliminated. In addition, by not having contact with the face over the weeks, we will delay the appearance of wrinkles, reduce reflux and prevent pain back and neck.
  • The worst sleeping position is to lie face down, on our stomach, because this makes digestion difficult and is harmful to our chest.
  • As for sleeping on the side, it is the best position for pregnant women and if we want to reduce snoring.
  • If, in addition to losing weight, our goal is to try to gradually say goodbye to orange peel skin, it is best to sleep with your legs slightly higher than your head. You can achieve this with the help of a cushion that you place at the end of your bed.

Other tricks to sleep well and lose weight 

If you have already taken note of what is the best position to sleep and lose weight, now try to put the following tips into practice and your goal of removing those extra kilos will be closer:

Dinner time

Try to sit at the table two hours before going to bed and eat vegetables or light protein dishes. The consumption of carbohydrates, alcohol, caffeinated substances, sugar or salt is not recommended, they retain fluids or accumulate a lot of fat.


Avoid doing very strong and aggressive physical activity and replace aerobic exercises with some gentler activity such as yoga or breathing. This will make your body and mind relax. You can also take a bath or listen to some classical music. The important thing is to avoid stress at that time, because it will divert you from your purpose.

Total disconnection

When you decide to go to sleep, do it alone. And we are not referring to leaving your husband/partner on the sofa, but under no circumstances are you accompanied by your mobile phone or tablet. Did you know that Wi-Fi disturbs your sleep? If you use your mobile as an alarm clock, leave it on the nightstand but remove the data connection and, on the other hand, dim the light on the screen so that it does not wake you up.

Comfortable clothes

To make falling asleep easier it is important that you are comfortable. That is why it is necessary to remove make-up from your eyes, select loose-fitting pajamas and use appropriate sheets or duvets.

Prepare the room

You should not only prepare your body and mind to sleep well, but also your room. Check the temperature (neither too cold nor too hot) and try to make it less than 19 degrees and thus you will burn 7% more calories than if you sleep with more heat. Also, lower the blinds well so that the light does not reveal you.

What to drink before going to bed?

You have to go to bed well hydrated, but since we know that it is not a matter of waking up every hour because you have a horrible urge to go to the bathroom, it is better to drink water during the day and, before going to bed, take an infusion that help to be more relaxed and, incidentally, to eliminate toxins. We recommend chamomile, lime blossom, mint, lemon verbena, lavender or valerian.

The importance of a sleep routine

The body and mind must be educated, so it is important to get them used to always going to bed at the same time. If you succeed, you will see that you fall exhausted immediately. But if one day you get into bed and notice that you can’t stop tossing and turning and it’s been more than ten minutes, get up, take a few breaths or read a book and try again.

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