How to organize your own ‘operation polvorón’ so as not to gain weight?

The Christmas holidays are approaching, which means a higher than normal food intake. That is why it is important not to overdo it and eat everything but without going overboard. If you do not want to be surprised at the beginning of the year, do not miss out on a series of tips that will help you keep your figure and not gain weight.

How to maintain your ideal weight during the Christmas season?

  1. The key to avoiding weight gain during the holidays is to watch what you eat at all times. To begin with, it is important that you have a good complete and balanced breakfast that gives you energy for the whole day and helps you satisfy your appetite. You should avoid snacking between meals at all times, since they are extra calories that you add to the body and that accumulate as fat.
  2. At lunchtime, you can eat everything but without going overboard to avoid excess calories in the body. Opt for dishes that are as healthy as possible such as vegetables, vegetables or fish. Do not abuse fried foods or alcohol since they are high-calorie foods that are harmful to health.
  3. As for desserts, avoid as much as possible the consumption of nougats and polvorones since they have a large amount of sugars that are harmful to health and cause excessive weight gain. You should try that dinners are not too copious, to avoid at all times that fat accumulates in your body while you sleep. With these tips you can enjoy Christmas without having to worry about the extra kilos.

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