How to lose weight with minimal effort?

The practice of exercise is absolutely recommended, and our doctors, nutritionists, the media and even our family and friends are already in charge of reminding us of it. However, many people cannot play sports due to muscle and/or joint problems.

According to a study carried out by the Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia, there is a method to obtain the health benefits of practicing sports without entailing a great deal of effort on our muscles and joints. This is the so-called ABE system, an air dissipation platform that can be used by both older people and people with joint problems who do not go to gyms due to how hard exercises performed on the ground are for them.

Lose weight without effort, a chimera?

  • Innovations in terms of weight loss with hardly any notion of effort have been multiple in recent years. And not only this ABE system, the use of which experts say can lead to higher caloric consumption than an aerobics class even though the feeling of tiredness is actually less.
  • There are two fundamental keys to maintaining a slim body and burning calories without having to spend hours in a gym undergoing exercises that can cause joint problems: diet and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • A proper, balanced diet agreed with a nutrition professional may be enough to burn excess calories and achieve a molded body. This method requires a great deal of discipline and rigor in monitoring your diet. Although the practice of some physical exercise is healthy, a good diet should be enough to keep us in shape.

Sedentary lifestyle: the great enemy of our body

  1. The daily lifestyle, in which most of the work is carried out in a seated position and in which physical wear and tear is minimal, maximizes the fact that an excessive sedentary lifestyle has developed in modern society. To this must be added the fact that most of the leisure offer is carried out in conditions similar to those mentioned.
  2. In this way, we can easily come to the conclusion that, even if we decide not to play a sport, we must keep our body active in order to burn calories and not gain weight. Activities as routine and common as climbing stairs, cleaning the house, working in the garden, washing the car, going for a walk, studying, or even talking can help us stay slim. The key lies in overcoming laziness and the widespread sedentary lifestyle in order to lead an active and healthy life.

Tricks to lose weight without even realizing it

As you may have seen, just by changing a few small gestures and daily habits, you will be able to lose those extra kilos without suffering too much. If you add to this some tricks like the ones we show you below, weight loss is guaranteed. When you want to realize it, you will be wearing that figure that you have always wanted. The best of all? You will gain quality of life and significantly improve your health!

  1. Real food always

When it comes to losing weight and leading a healthy lifestyle, there is a premise that you must burn into your head: authentic food is that which does not come packaged. That is to say: fruits, cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts… This means that if you eliminate ultra-processed foods from your diet and bet on what is truly natural, very soon you will lose weight. Real food, in addition to being very healthy, is rich in fiber. Fiber slows stomach emptying by stabilizing blood sugar levels and speeding up metabolism. Losing weight sucks!

Tip: Include three pieces of fruit in your daily diet along with several servings of potatoes, beans, and whole grain cereals.

  1. Don’t run away from spicy

Did you know that spiciness is linked to weight loss? Numerous investigations have shown that spicy consumption accelerates the calorie burning process. Eating spicy increases metabolic activity by approximately 20%. Best of all, this rhythm is maintained for no more and no less than 30 minutes. What does this mean? Well, at that time your body will be burning fat without you moving a single finger.

Tip: eat a spicy dish at least once a week.

  1. Don’t even think about stopping eating
  • Thinking that by not eating you are going to lose weight is the biggest mistake you can make. If you do not give your body a single food throughout the day, the metabolism will slow down, going into ‘energy saving’ mode and you will not lose a single gram. That is not to mention the damage that not providing the body with the nutrients it needs can have on your health.
  • Tip: eat at least five meals a day (breakfast, lunch, lunch, snack and dinner). In this way, you will always have a full stomach and work, which in addition to accelerating your metabolism will decrease your hunger completely. Of course, try not to eat large amounts at each meal, it is preferable that you distribute the number of recommended daily calories throughout the day.
  1. Remember: eat small amounts
  2. We insist. That is an infallible trick that will make you lose weight with little effort. We know that it is very difficult to control ourselves when it comes to foods that we like very much. The key? Swap large plates for small plates. If you serve your food on a small plate, you will trick your brain into thinking that there is a lot of it and it will send the satiety signal much sooner.
  3. Tip: Get rid of all the big plates you have around the house and start serving your food on dessert plates. You will thank us!
  4. Drink cold water

Various studies relate weight loss to water consumption. Of course, this must be very cold for it to have a fat burning effect. The other advantage of water is that it causes satiety, which is why many nutritionists and endocrinologists recommend drinking two large glasses before each meal.

Advice: always have a couple of very cold bottles of water in the fridge. Easy, right?

  1. Sex slims!

Not only will you not suffer losing weight, but on top of that, you will enjoy it! Is there a better way to burn some calories than by having an exciting and passionate session with your partner? We think not! Put it into practice!

  1. Take a hot bath

If just by reading all of the above you have exhausted yourself, we propose a plan with which you can also lose weight and that you will surely love: a warm and relaxing bath. Several studies have shown that taking a hot bath burns the same calories as walking for half an hour. You didn’t even imagine it, why not? Well, you know, fill the bathtub, enjoy and lose weight!

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