How to lose weight in the middle of Christmas?

The desired and long-awaited Christmas is approaching, which means an excessive intake of food and drink for about two weeks. If you want to avoid getting upset at the beginning of the year and eliminate a few extra kilos from your body, pay close attention and do not lose detail of the following nutritional advice that will help you follow a healthy and fat-free diet.

Tips to lose weight during Christmas

  • Healthy dishes. Although Christmas lasts two weeks, avoid overeating every day. Follow a healthy menu during these dates and on the days designated as Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve eat everything but without going overboard.
  • Be careful with the portions. The danger these days is to eat continuously and snack on everything. The most advisable thing is that you use a plate and put everything you are going to consume on it. In this way you will eat much less quantity and you will not consume as many calories.
  • Avoid alcohol. One of the great dangers of lunch and dinner on these dates is excessive alcohol intake. It is advisable to have a glass of wine or a beer at most while you eat, since alcohol provides the body with numerous empty calories that accumulate unnecessarily as fat in the body.
  • Drink a lot of water. It is very important to drink water during these days as it will help you satisfy your hunger before meals and will keep your body perfectly hydrated.
  • Be careful with Christmas sweets. They are undoubtedly the real danger of these dates. They are too caloric and very unhealthy for the body, so you should consume them as little as possible. You can opt for a fruit salad or some type of sorbet such as lemon or mango.

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