How to lose weight a kilo a week without prohibitions?

To lose weight safely and without too many prohibitions, you should not submit to strict regimes, however miraculous they may be. The key is to change your eating habits and lifestyle, adapting them to your tastes and your pace. This is how the nutritionists of the Manzanaroja app explain your personalized diet

Losing a kilo, a week is possible 

Losing 1kg a week is a realistic and, above all, healthy goal. To achieve this, you should eat a 1500 kcal diet with a rich, varied menu, full of nutrients. In this way you will be able to lose weight without health risks. However, to know how many calories you need, it is essential to know what your daily intake needs are and only from there can you make a personalized and effective nutrition plan. Here are some tips that anyone can follow to lose weight in a healthy way.

Don’t think you’re on a diet

If you see dieting as a sacrifice, you may be able to achieve your goal, but after a while you go back to your old habits. It is better to choose a plan that best suits your preferences and your pace, a path of change that, even if it is slower, is easy to maintain in the long term.

No to food bans

Diets without carbohydrates or without fat or that force you to eat only vegetables or only fruit for days or weeks cannot be maintained forever, because they represent a sacrifice not only for the body but also for the person, who is isolated relative to the rest of the world. The World Health Organization recommends that 50-60% of calories come from carbohydrates, 15-19% from protein and 22-30% from fat. The more varied and balanced the diet, the easier it will be to maintain it and not regain weight.

Yes, to whims

Breaking your diet from time to time is not a tragedy, it does not compromise your efforts to lose weight and a little gratification can help you stay motivated and continue with more optimism and good humor. It is clearly important that these are small exceptions within the framework of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

Eat 5 or 6 meals a day

If you eat every two or three hours, just when your body is asking for food and if you have healthy foods such as fruit, yogurt, cereal bars, vegetables or nuts on hand, you will not go hungry and you will not be tempted by processed food, pastries or sweets.

Organize your weekly menu and purchase

If you already know what you are going to eat during the day and if you do the shopping according to a weekly menu, it will be easier to avoid hypercaloric food. If you go shopping on an empty stomach and have no idea what you are going to eat, you run the risk of filling the cart with unhealthy food and spending more than necessary.

Continuous physical activity, not only in the gym

An active lifestyle cannot be limited to two hours in the gym a week. If you sit in the office all day, travel by car and then spend an hour eating and two hours watching TV, it is very difficult for you to lose weight. Yes, to the gym and sports, but move as many times as you can: take the stairs instead of the elevator, park a little further from your destination or if you go by bus get off one stop earlier. Take a walk after eating and go for a 30-minute brisk walk at least 4 days a week.

Know the nutritional values ​​and calories of what you take 

If you know the caloric intake and nutritional properties of food, your choices will be more conscious. For example, did you know that 3 tablespoons of olive oil correspond to 1 plate of pasta? Or that bagged chips provide more than 500 kcal per 100g, compared to 148 kcal for baked potatoes? Also, it’s important to know if what you’re eating is providing you with nutrients or just empty calories. A bun provides around 200 kcal, but it is quickly absorbed sugars and fat. The result is that after an hour you are hungry again. while a snack Whole wheat bread with lettuce, tomato and ham will provide you with the same calories, but with important nutrients (minerals, vitamins) and – above all – slowly absorbed sugars and fiber that make you feel full for longer.

Learn to cook

Food from the diner or processed preparations from the supermarket are often much higher in fat and salt than recommended. Cooking with non-stick pans, steamed or baked, with the correct amount of fat, you will learn to eat tasty, healthy and light dishes. If you like sweet, you can prepare light cakes and enjoy them one day instead of breakfast or snack.

Enjoy the food

Take your time for lunch and dinner. Arrange the table, use tableware that you like, turn off the computer and mobile phone, look at your plate and chew slowly. The brain needs time to process what you are eating. You will enjoy more and the food will be easier to digest.

Drink a lot of water

Water hydrates us and helps us to assimilate all the nutrients well, it also serves to prolong the feeling of satiety. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. In winter, which is when it’s laziest, get used to taking herbal infusions: they will warm you up and, at the same time, counter fluid retention. At the table, avoid sugary or alcoholic drinks.


It is necessary to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night. If you’ve rested well, you’ll burn calories better during the day, and you’ll also have fewer hunger binges.

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