How to lose belly: go for a flat stomach!

Losing belly fat and getting a flat stomach has become the goal of most people today. It is one of the areas in which the accumulation of fat is unsightliest. Although, perhaps the most important thing is not aesthetics, but the risk factor that fat accumulated in the abdomen supposes for our health, and it can lead to diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular diseases.

From here, we want to give you the keys to lose belly, yes, it is necessary that you take into account that to eliminate fat from this area, you must also lose it throughout the body, if not, getting rid of this localized fat would be impossible except to through liposuction. The key equation to succeed in your goal, as you can imagine, is physical exercise + healthy diet. Within this combination, there are more appropriate exercises to lose belly fat and more appropriate foods to prevent it from regaining it. We reveal what they are.

Exercises to lose belly

The ideal is to combine aerobic exercises (running, walking, dancing, cycling…) with bodybuilding or toning exercises, since the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn. The ideal is to combine 30 minutes of aerobic exercises with 30 minutes of bodybuilding. Why 30 minutes? Because the first minutes of exercise, our body burns sugar reserves and then it will start with fat. Surely you have heard that swimming is one of the most complete sports, this is because it combines aerobic exercise with muscle, with which you will kill two birds with one stone. Some of the toning exercises that you can perform in series are:

Classic abdominals to lose belly

Lying on a mat, with your legs slightly bent, raise your trunk, taking care to keep your spine straight and not to pull on your neck to avoid injury. If you want to intensify this exercise, raise your legs slightly off the ground.


It is one of the toning exercises that works the most muscles. In addition, it does not have as much risk of injury as the abdominal ones. Lie on your stomach and raise your body into a plank, on your forearms and the balls of your feet. Be careful with lifting the buttock, you must be forming a straight line.

Leg raises

This exercise has multiple varieties. Lying on your back and with your legs straight, raise them a little off the ground and pedal like a bicycle or alternately go up and down. You can also raise them, placing your arms on your lower back little by little until they are upright.

Abdominal stretches for a flat stomach 

  1. This exercise is ideal for the end because, in addition to toning, you will stretch the abdominal muscles that you just worked. This is the cobra position, in yoga, and consists of lying on your stomach, supporting your hands, and raising the entire front part of your body with your abdomen contracted.
  2. As we already pointed out at the beginning of this article, exercise would be of no use if we do not carry out a balanced and healthy diet. It is not about going hungry (in fact you will not get anything by fasting for long periods), but about knowing the most appropriate foods to combine with the sports routine, without exceeding the number of calories.

Most suitable foods to lose belly

As we always say, the most important thing is to maintain a healthy and balanced diet in which you eat 5 meals a day, drink at least two liters of water and include 5 servings of fruit and vegetables. Starting from the fact that you already do all this, we are going to detail the most suitable foods to lose belly:

  • Brightly colored vegetables. They are a source of Vitamins A and C and folic acid, as well as potassium and are a good diuretic, as well as a source of fiber.
  • Brightly colored fruit. Like the above, they are also a source of Vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • Nuts with skin and without roasting. They are caloric but they will provide you with the necessary energy to exercise and they will fill you up – take them in small amounts.
  • Extra virgin olive oil. It has a satiating effect and is a good antioxidant.
  • lean meats Like chicken or turkey. They contain the necessary proteins, but are low in fat.
  • They are a complete and satisfying food. It also repairs your muscles. Avoid gases by taking them as a single dish and cooking them over low heat. Replace the sausage with lean meat and vegetables.
  • For its protein content and its ability to repair muscle tissue.
  • Blue Fish. Source of Omega 3, they reduce your appetite and provide little fat.
  • Low fat dairy. They are a source of calcium that helps lose abdominal fat.
  • Whole grains. They satiate and prevent you from snacking between meals, in addition to their fiber contribution.
  • It is very caloric, but monounsaturated fats, which help to lose abdominal fat.
  • Source of vitamins, helps you lose weight. Mix it with water as a cleansing drink, blood sugar regulator, diuretic…
  • This infusion contains theine, a natural fat burner.
  • Due to its vasodilator effect, you will trick the stomach and give it a feeling of satiety.
  • In addition to including these foods in your diet, it is also very important to avoid fried and fatty foods, soft drinks and sweets; sleeping 7 to 8 hours a day, since our body burns calories when we sleep more deeply; take sips of water after each bite to satisfy the stomach more; and chew and eat slowly.

If you carry out these tips, you will immediately notice the difference and you will begin to lose belly. What are you waiting for to lead a healthier life? Your body will thank you and your body will look better.

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