How lime can help you lose weight

Lime is a kind of citrus with excellent properties, among them, it can help you lose weight and lose weight. Lime is high in vitamin C, antioxidants and astringent substances. Its antibacterial properties make it very useful for treating colds and flu, as it detoxifies and purifies the body just like lemon juice does. But, in addition, lime helps digestion and is diuretic and cleansing.

So far the many benefits that the lime has but, as you may have already noticed, we are going to focus on that characteristic that says that the lime can help you lose weight, how? Pay attention to the following lines. We must remind you that no food or drink consumed by itself has the power to make you lose weight. However, if it is combined with a healthy low-calorie diet and a little exercise, things change a lot.

5 ways to take lime to lose weight 

  1. Water with lime before breakfast

If you like to drink hot water or water with lemon, a glass of lukewarm water with a good splash of lime juice will also be to your liking. You will be able to eliminate fluid retention and cleanse your body of impurities and other toxins, an essential preparation when it comes to losing weight (Did you know that a glass of lime water has only 11 calories? It is a good option for calorie counters). You can also drink warm water with lime before going to sleep, your mind will find it easier to fall asleep.

  1. As a salad dressing

Prepare a delicious salad for lunch or dinner: lettuce, tomato, tuna, corn… whatever you want! And as a final touch, season with lime and a pinch of salt. Your health will thank you.

  1. Apple Cucumber Lime Smoothie

Now that the good weather is here, you cannot miss the fruit and vegetable smoothies. We propose this one, an apple, a cucumber and the juice of two limes. You can also add a little ginger or cinnamon if you want it to be something sweeter. Delicious and nutritious in equal parts, that’s over taking unhealthy snacks.

  1. Lime tea

Do you like to drink tea? Then put a little lime in your usual tea and you will help your body gradually lose the fat it doesn’t need.

  1. Rice, chicken and lime

To lose weight you have to follow a healthy diet every day of the year with the right amount of calories for our weight and our daily activity. With this recipe you will have a perfect meal. Steamed rice, grilled chicken or some thighs seasoned with a little salt and Provencal herbs and half a lime next to it so that you can add its juice to the rice and chicken. You will repeat for sure.


Lime speeds up metabolism, burns fat, has many essential nutrients for the body, is very easy to prepare and is very tasty. What are you waiting for to try?

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