Get in shape with these apps without going to the gym

Technology is out in the daylight and makes life so much easier and simpler. Today you can find all kinds of mobile applications and there are many people who use them to carry out all kinds of activities. If you want to get in shape without having to go to a gym, don’t miss out on the best apps out there to be able to boast a body of ten.

The best apps to stay in shape

  • Nike training. This is one of the best fitness apps out there today. As you can imagine, it is an application created by Nike and that has a wide variety of exercises with which to lose weight or gain muscle volume. You can customize these exercises in order to specifically follow the objectives and desired results. The videos are quite practical when it comes to following the different physical exercises and with a certain routine you won’t have any problems shaping your figure and getting in shape. It is a totally free application that has about 10 million downloads.
  • MiCoach Addidas. Another of the applications that you should take into account when getting in shape is MiCoach Addidas. It is ideal for those who love running and allows you to know the distance traveled along with the calories burned and the speed at which you are running. As usually happens in this type of app, you can customize it and know your progress at all times. It can be found on any operating system and is completely free. It is currently one of the most popular apps since it has 500,000 downloads.
  • All-in Fitness. It is one of the most popular apps among sports lovers. With more than 5 million users around the world, this app has an infinite number of physical exercises that will help you get in shape and be able to show off your body throughout the summer. The best thing about this app is that it has its own social network similar to Facebook where users can share their opinions and ask all kinds of questions. You can create your own table of exercises to achieve the objectives set. The only problem with this wonderful app is that it is paid and costs 2.69 euros. All-in Fitness is available for any operating system, be it Android or iPhone.
  • With this wonderful app you will have a real personal trainer at home and be able to achieve whatever you want. It is a fairly complete app that helps to measure the distance travelled, the calories burned and the goals achieved. It has GPS so it is perfect for cycling, walking or running. As with the previous app, endomondo has a social network where you can share all kinds of experiences. It is a completely free app and is available on both IOS and Android.
  • With this app you can say goodbye to extra kilos and have a body of ten. It helps you do the right exercises for it as well as advising you on the best possible diet. The app has a large number of physical exercises so you can choose the ones that best suit your body. In addition to this, it has a database with which to prepare the best possible diet. The key to having an enviable figure is to combine a series of exercises with a healthy diet. It is a paid app and you can only find it for IOS.

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