Endocrinologist or nutritionist? How to know which one to go to lose weight

Diet is one of the fundamental pillars to enjoy good health and prevent diseases. Therefore, when a person who wants to lose weight can look for the solution in a healthy diet, with strict control of food and doing sports to achieve it. However, many others seek control of hormones that can influence this process.

To achieve their goals, there are many who go to a nutritionist or an endocrinologist, but how do you know which one to go to lose weight? We know that both are professionals who are closely related to healthy eating, but when should we go to one or the other? We answer your questions.

The endocrinologist

  • The doctor in charge of monitoring, studying in depth, observing or diagnosing possible hormonal and metabolic imbalances of this system is the endocrine doctor.
  • The main reason for going to an endocrinologist is because we may have problems related to weight or nutrition, both as adults and as children. It is possible that we need to change our habits, that we have sudden weight gains and losses, that it is difficult for us to lose weight following a certain diet or that we need to take medication in the case, for example, of hyperthyroidism. This professional will help us with this and will treat any hormonal and/or glandular problem.

The nutritionist

  1. In this case it is the professional specializing in food and dietetics. Its main function is to prepare and adapt a diet according to your nutritional needs. In addition, he is the professional in charge of supervising and preparing meals in centers such as residences or dining rooms.
  2. Imagine that you are intolerant to gluten. I could not recommend a diet like that of any person without intolerance, but you must adapt one according to what your body needs, the energy you spend and your nutritional goal (lose weight, gain weight, maintain…)

Which one should I go to lose weight?

We know that both the nutritionist and the endocrinologist are closely related when talking about food, and often work hand in hand, but which one should we go to first if we want to lose weight? To find out, it is important to know the differences that exist between them.

The nutritionist is not a doctor, he is a food and nutrition professional. He will know what diet to prepare or what advice to give you regarding a pathology you have (if you have one). But he’s never going to diagnose you.

  • The endocrinologist is a medical professional, to whom you should go if you suspect that you may suffer from a pathology: cholesterol, diabetes, hypothyroidism, intolerances… It is better that you go to the endocrinologist first so that, after the diagnosis, you go with the results to the nutritionist and he adapts the diet in relation to the tastes, lifestyles and pathologies that you have.
  • We could say that, if you do not suspect that you may have a certain health problem related to your endocrine system, you should go to the nutritionist directly. He will give you the diet and the necessary guidelines to help you lose weight.
  • You will go to the endocrinologist when you need to improve or change your nutritional habits. You know that you eat badly, you are aware that you must change it to lose weight and he is the right professional to help you do it.

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