Eating tricks to combat indigestion at Christmas

The Christmas dates are parties in which food and drink become the absolute protagonists, causing in most cases an excess of food that translates into a considerable increase in kilos. To combat this excess and the possible post-Christmas embarrassment, do not lose detail about food and a series of tips that will help you say goodbye to those extra kilos and be able to recover your figure again.

How to combat excess at Christmas?

  1. Retrieve all five meals. After so much disorder at mealtime, it is advisable to return to your five meals a day so that the metabolism becomes accustomed to said healthy routine and burns calories better.
  2. Balanced breakfast. Forget about sweets and fats and opt for a balanced and healthy breakfast, ideal to start the day. There is nothing better than whole wheat toast with oil and turkey along with a coffee or tea. You can also take a nutritious natural fruit juice.
  3. Healthy food. At mealtime it is good to combine healthy foods to achieve a balance in said diet. In this way you can have some grilled meat or fish with some sautéed vegetables.
  4. Dinner with fish. If you want a light dinner without too many calories, the best is a good fresh grilled fish. It is a perfect type of food to eat before going to sleep and rest.
  5. Physical exercise. A good diet should be complemented with some daily physical exercise. Sport will help you burn many more calories and will help you feel better from a physical point of view.

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