Diets to lose weight: lose weight in a healthy way

Losing weight is not an easy task, but it is not an impossible mission either. The most important thing is to take the step of wanting to do it and, once the decision is made, be consistent with it. It is in your hands to achieve it, you just have to change some habits and in this article we will give you some guidelines to achieve it.

To begin, you must be very clear that, above all, you should not be in a hurry. Miracle diets do not exist. Losing 10 kilos in a single month, in addition to not being realistic, will put your health at risk, obtaining a rebound effect that will affect your future ability to maintain a healthy weight. The ideal rate of weight loss is around 0.5 kilos per week, that is, about 2 kilos per month, which is equivalent to 10 kilos in five months.

The key to losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend during the day (in general, women burn an average of approximately 2,000 calories a day). Next, we have made a compilation of the best diets to lose weight. You can lose weight in a healthy way and without going hungry! Guaranteed!

The best diets to lose weight

You want to lose weight, but you don’t know where to start. Your cousin has recommended a diet for you, your neighbor has assured you that the one she made is the best of all, and searching the Internet you have found eight million more options. Don’t worry, don’t despair. We have prepared for you a complete list with the best diets to lose weight. You just have to choose one that suits your tastes and needs (you better choose calmly because once you start it, you must be consistent not to abandon it). And remember: most nutritionists insist that the secret of a good diet is that it be moderate, varied and balanced. Much encouragement!

Nordic diet: the trick of the Scandinavian countries to lose weight

  • This diet is one of the most recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is called ‘Nordic’ after the countries of origin of the foods that make it up: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland… It is characterized by being very rich in Omega 3 due to the predominance of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring. In addition, it also abounds in legumes, vegetables, cereals, seeds, nuts and red or forest fruits.
  • On the contrary, in this diet foods such as red meat or eggs are limited and others such as processed foods, sugary drinks, alcohol and fast food are eliminated. One of the greatest characteristics of the Nordic diet is the use of canola or rapeseed oil (a type of highly refined vegetable oil).

Strawberry detox diet to purify your body

Strawberries are an excellent cleansing food for the body. If you are looking to lose two or three kilos in a healthy way, this diet can help you kick off in search of your goal. It is about including strawberries in each of the meals you make throughout the day (about 400 grams in each meal). Of course, this diet can only be carried out for three days since it is a diet low in nutrients and if you exceed that time you could endanger your health. In addition, this diet is totally prohibited for all those women with special needs (pregnant, elderly, girls, sick…)

Hand diet: control yourself when eating!

To lose weight, it is essential to control yourself not only with what you eat, but also with the quantities. There are people who have a lot of willpower, however others are not capable of saying ‘no’ to that dish that they like so much. Precisely this diet is intended for this last group! According to this technique, to calculate the portions you should eat you have to look at your hand. How much pasta can I eat? The equivalent of the size of the front part of your closed fist. How much meat can I eat? The steaks should be about the size of the palm of your hand. How much cheese can I introduce into my diet? Do not eat more than the width of your two fingers.

HD diet to lose weight without suffering

  1. The HD diet is a type of weight loss plan that has become very fashionable lately and that will allow you to say goodbye to those extra pounds. It is based on foods rich in soluble fiber, known as hydrolific (hence precisely the acronym HD: hydrolific diet). This type of food absorbs water in the intestine and generates a kind of gel which creates a feeling of satiety for many hours and prevents binge eating.
  2. What foods are part of the HD diet? Chia seeds, oats, legumes, Brussels sprouts, apples, mangoes… All of them are rich in soluble fiber and you can incorporate them into your weekly menu!

100-year diet, eat like our grandparents did!

  • One of the reasons why there are so many cases of obesity today is due to the substitution of fresh foods for processed foods. Our grandparents, great grandparents and great grandparents ate vegetables, fruit, nuts, rice and legumes, products that, in most cases, they grew themselves. Currently, the accelerated and stressful pace of life has caused these good habits to transform into others that are much more harmful to health, which include diets based on foods rich in added sugars or saturated fats.
  • The 100-year diet consists precisely in resuming those good habits, eliminating harmful foods from our diet and incorporating real food into it.

Raw food diet, raw fruits and vegetables to lose weight

  1. The raw food diet is based on the intake of raw fruits and vegetables. It is precisely the detail of not cooking the food that differentiates this plan from the vegetarian diet (a diet based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, whether raw or cooked).
  2. And what is the reason why raw foods should be eaten to lose weight? Very easy. By not cooking them, not a single one of the nutrients present in them are wasted. In addition, this raw ingestion will help you keep the body clean of toxins and free of diseases.

The 5-5-5 diet: a very healthy regimen

The 5-5-5 diet is a type of diet based on eating five meals a day, giving special importance to fruit and vegetables. The only requirement of this plan is that the food consumed must be high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Nutritionists indicate that it is a very healthy diet that provides many nutrients to the body. Do you dare to put it into practice? We give you some ideas for daily menus that can be included in the 5-5-5 diet. Losing weight without suffering is possible!

Smart Diet: healthy eating habits to lose weight

The Smart diet is based on a type of low glycemic index diet that promotes a series of healthy eating habits to avoid the dreaded rebound effect. In the first phase of this weight loss plan, the consumption of any type of healthy vegetables and proteins is allowed and the intake of fruits, legumes, fish or meat is limited. This first stage lasts approximately three weeks and, once this time has passed, the consumption of prohibited foods is allowed until reaching a diet based on the Mediterranean diet.

Sap and lemon diet: eliminate toxins and impurities from your body

The sap and lemon diet is a kind of cleansing diet that is very effective in eliminating and cleaning all the toxins and impurities that you have inside your body. This regime is divided into three phases (pre-diet, diet and post-diet) and in all of them you have to prepare a drink based on two liters of water, 16 tablespoons of maple syrup, the juice of 4 lemons, a teaspoon of cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne

Mango diet: an excellent fruit to lose weight

More and more weight loss plans include mango in their menu due to its magnificent properties when it comes to losing those extra pounds. The regular intake of mango helps to burn fat really quickly and effectively. How can you include this excellent fruit in your daily diet? In addition to juices, another perfect way to consume it is in salads.

Discover everything you need to know about the mango diet and boast a perfect figure.

Dots diet: an original way to lose weight

Do you want to lose weight and have fun at the same time? This regimen is made for you! The dots diet consists of a weight loss plan in which you can eat everything without avoiding any type of food. Each food belongs to a group and has a series of limited points that you cannot exceed. First of all, you will have to calculate how many points you have per day and, from here, you will be able to eat what you most want but always without exceeding your points.

Do you dare to do this fun diet?

Volumetric diet: what is it?

The volumetric diet is currently very fashionable since its main characteristic is based on the fact that you can eat large amounts of food without any type of restriction. This, a priori, would not fit into any weight loss plan, however, the trick is that this regimen advocates the consumption of satiating foods that, at the same time, are low in calories. This is the case of fruits, vegetables and soups. With this class of products, the body receives a good amount of nutrients while losing weight quickly and effectively.

Hara Hachi Bu, the secret of the Japanese to lose weight

  1. Japan has the highest proportion of centenarians in the world. Its inhabitants not only live the longest, but also the healthiest on the planet. And this is not by chance. Its secret lies in a very specific type of diet that follows the motto ‘ Hara Hachi Bu ‘ which could be translated as ‘eat until you are 80% full’. If you don’t get completely satiated, you will be able to reduce the calorie intake in each of your meals. Easy, don’t you think?
  2. In addition, this type of Japanese diet also promotes the consumption of natural food made up of vegetables such as broccoli and spinach, as well as legumes and fruits. Are you aiming to live longer?

Fat hypo diet: Stylize your figure!

  • As its name indicates, the objective of the low-fat diet is to eliminate fatty products from the daily diet. The purpose is that only 22% of the calories that we provide to our body in our day to day come from fat. In this way, you will be able to lose weight and show off a much healthier figure and appearance.
  • For several decades now, the link between excess fat and cardiovascular problems has been demonstrated, as well as problems caused by obesity (very common in people who follow a high-fat diet).
  • So now you know, eliminate foods such as sausages, sweets, whole dairy products and red meat from your diet and replace them with others such as fish, legumes, fruits and lean meats (chicken, turkey and derivatives).

The worst diets to lose weight, avoid them!

  1. Miracle diets do not exist. They may try to sell you the bike by telling you that with such a weight loss plan you will be able to lose 10 kilos in just a month, but the reality is that losing so much weight in such a short time can be very harmful to your health. In addition, the most common thing is that after losing weight you gain it back quickly due to the rebound effect.
  2. Next, we indicate the diets that you should never follow if you do not want to end up regretting it. There are millions of healthy ways to lose weight and these are not part of them:

Hot Dog Diet or Whole 30

  • Probably, as soon as you read the name of this diet, you will have been perplexed: hot dog? To lose weight? The Whole 30 regime is committed to replacing foods full of carbohydrates with dishes in which fruits, vegetables and proteins become the protagonists. So far it might seem like a normal diet in which fats are prohibited and the intake of fresh foods is encouraged, however the Whole 30 allows you to eat bacon, hamburgers and sausages.
  • How is it possible? Well, according to the rules of this regime, the consumption of these products is allowed as long as they do not contain sugars or processed components. Something practically impossible, right?

Sleeping beauty diet: sleep to lose weight

It is called a diet, although to be honest it is not. What this plan really proposes is not eating or eating as little as possible. And to achieve this purpose, the organism must be deceived. As? sleeping. The more sleep the better. And this is where drugs, sedatives and other pills come into play to achieve sleepiness for many hours of the day and night.

The damages that the sleeping beauty diet entails for the body are more than evident, don’t you think?

Boiled egg diet: not as magical as you think

In theory, the boiled egg diet allows you to lose up to 11 kilos in just 14 days. Something really attractive for anyone who wants to lose weight, right? What is this regime based on? As its name indicates, it is based on the ingestion of eggs. 2 boiled eggs and 1 citrus fruit every morning for breakfast. Lunch and dinner vary depending on the day: fruit only, grilled fish, a simple salad…

One of the main negative effects of this weight loss plan is the lack of energy as a consequence of the absolute absence of carbohydrates. And this is not the only damage that the egg diet causes on the organism. There are many more. Once you discover them, it is your decision to carry out this diet or opt for a much healthier and more balanced one.

Starvation Diet: Dangerous Weight Loss Regime

As its name suggests, the starvation diet consists of not eating. This type of regimen is totally discouraged by nutritionists because it is highly dangerous to health. The starvation diet causes a loss of muscle mass and weight due to the great dehydration suffered by the body. Its consequences are fatal for the body. The person who follows this weight loss plan soon begins to feel much more tired and lacks the energy to perform properly.

Cucumber diet: nutrient deficit!

The cucumber diet promises the person who decides to follow it to lose up to three kilos in just three days. As? Eating cucumbers (sliced ​​cucumbers, cucumbers in salads…) As you can imagine, this is a very unbalanced diet that lacks many essential nutrients such as vitamins or minerals. For this reason, nutrition experts recommend not following it for more than three days in a row.

Banana and milk diet: lose weight in three days?

The banana and milk diet is a miracle diet that promises to lose up to three kilos in just three days. It is a regime that proposes to base the diet fundamentally on this fruit and dairy products. It is a weight loss plan that is not balanced or beneficial in the long term. As with most crash diets, the weight is usually regained within a few weeks due to the rebound effect, and its limited variety of foods causes serious long-term nutrition problems.

Paleolithic diet: eat like in caves

  1. The Paleolithic diet is also known as the paleo diet and, as its name suggests, it proposes a type of diet based on the diet that cavemen once followed. This regime consisted of the intake of 100% natural products without any type of additives or processing.
  2. The basis of this weight loss plan is made up of the consumption of red and white meat, fruits, fresh vegetables and nuts. The intake of refined products such as flour, rice, pasta or sugar should be eliminated. The paleo diet also does not allow the consumption of dairy products such as yogurt or cheese.
  3. This diet will allow you to lose weight very quickly, however, the absence of certain essential nutrients for the body makes it not advisable to prolong it over time.

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