Combining diet and exercise: the secret of the body 10

The best way to lose weight and say goodbye to those extra kilos is to combine a balanced diet with some regular exercise. In this easy and simple way, you will not have too many problems when it comes to recovering your previous figure. Take note of the following tips to perfectly combine both diet and physical exercise.

How to combine diet and physical exercise?

  • If you want to lose those extra kilos, you should follow a type of diet in which vegetables and fruit predominate and stay away from fats and sugars. In order to provide a series of essential nutrients to the body, you must consume cereals, nuts, legumes or oily fish. When combining this diet with some exercise, it is important that you do not forget to eat carbohydrates since they provide a large amount of energy to the body.
  • A mistake that many people often make is to do physical exercise on an empty stomach and without eating anything to try to eliminate as much fat as possible. It is important to start the day with a nutritious breakfast that provides the body with enough energy so that it can perform properly. To lose weight, it is best to do some type of aerobic activity and combine it with toning exercises.
  • In the event that you want to eliminate some abdominal fat, the most advisable thing to do is to perform aerobic physical exercises and combine them with a healthy diet free of fats and sugars in order to eliminate excess fat that accumulates in the entire area. from the belly with all these tips you will have no problem removing those extra kilos from your body and being able to show off your figure again.

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