Combination of foods to lose weight

Being able to have a good body and show it off on the beach is not so difficult and complicated, if you follow a healthy and balanced diet combined with some physical exercise it will allow you to lose those extra kilos. Take note because below you will see what are those foods that you can eat daily and that will allow you to lose weight and achieve that much-desired figure with which you can show off throughout the summer.

The best foods to lose weight

  • Fruits and vegetables. If you want to lose weight, it is advisable that you triple your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables. You can eat the ones you want and the most you like. Those that are rich in fiber will help you satisfy your appetite for longer. This is the case of pineapple, apples, avocados or eggplants. Do not use vegetables as a side dish and have them as a main dish at lunch or dinner. These types of foods are low in calories and with a large number of nutrients, so they are highly healthy for your body.
  • Fish is another food that cannot be missing from your daily diet due to the few calories it contains. You can eat fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna since, in addition to helping you lose weight, they are very beneficial for your health. According to some studies, the intake of fish helps to speed up the metabolism, which favors the burning of fat.
  • Dairy products. Dairy products are very nutritious for the body, but their intake also helps you lose weight and burn accumulated fat due to a substance called calcitriol. It is important that you consume skimmed products and thus avoid excessive fat intake.
  • Whole grains. This type of food is perfect to lose those kilos that you have in your body. Opt for grains like whole grains or wheat germ. They are easy to digest, help stabilize blood sugar levels, and suppress your appetite because they are very rich in fiber.

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