Eat Selectively

I diet and I don’t lose weight, why?

You are an expert in the world of diets and you know them all: Jessica Alba’s diet, Jennifer Aniston’s, Jessica Parker’s. And the best, or worse, you have tried them all, but none have worked for you. You are already desperate, because you cannot get rid of those kilos that make you feel bad and insecure. To lose weight naturally and without the dreaded rebound effect

I diet and I don’t lose weight, why? Read More »

Diet as a couple: the best way to lose weight without realizing it

“Today I start the diet.” How many Mondays have you said that phrase while preparing a healthy and balanced breakfast? And how many Mondays at dinner time have you thrown in the towel and given up making that effort that would allow you to lose those kilos with which you don’t look good? Going on

Diet as a couple: the best way to lose weight without realizing it Read More »

What foods should not be mixed to lose weight

If you want to lose a few extra kilos to show off a perfect figure, you only have to follow a well – balanced and healthy diet that provides the necessary nutrients to your body. In addition to this, a little exercise is perfect to complete the plan. You must take into account which foods to include in this diet and which not to mix, in order

What foods should not be mixed to lose weight Read More »

Warnings about intermittent fasting: when it is NOT recommended

In recent years we have seen how intermittent fasting is one of the most chosen ways to maintain a balanced and healthy diet, as long as it is done correctly. This type of feeding consists of eating food at one time of the day, and at another time consuming only liquids. However, intermittent fasting is not suitable for everyone. In this

Warnings about intermittent fasting: when it is NOT recommended Read More »

10 foods that are not as healthy as you thought in the diet

When starting a certain weight loss plan, it is important to know what you should eat and what is totally prohibited. The diet should be based on a series of healthy and low-calorie foods that help you lose those extra kilos. Take good note of the 10 foods that are not as healthy as you thought and are harmful to health. These are

10 foods that are not as healthy as you thought in the diet Read More »

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