Can you lose weight eating tuna and rice?

As you may well have noticed, in this article we are fond of eating healthy, that and exercising. That is why every time we hear of a new diet, one of those that they call a “miracle”, we set our eyes on it to get to know it in depth and find out if it is really worth trying or, on the contrary, it is something that It does not benefit health at all.

Miracle diets or those called “fast” can make you lose weight in just a few weeks, but at the cost of damaging your health, and not only that, but also most of this type of food has a rebound effect, that is, you gain weight again once you have finished with the diet.

What is the tuna and rice diet?

  • The sleeping beauty diet, the boiled egg diet… Now we analyze the benefits and not so benefits of following a diet based on tuna and rice. Can you lose weight eating tuna and rice? Yes, but if you only eat tuna and rice, things change a lot.
  • The rice and tuna diet is designed, according to what we are told, to lose up to 3 kilos in just 6 days. These foods provide nutrients, protein, energy and are very low in fat, even more so if you opt for natural tuna and brown rice.
  • The weekly plan would be more or less this: rice and tuna in small portions for the main meals and for the rest, low-fat yogurt, fruit and tea or infusion of natural herbs. We are facing a totally unbalanced and very monotonous diet that does not provide the body with the nutrients it needs. And what is a healthy and balanced diet? One that has 55% carbohydrates, 15% protein and 30% fat and, you are right, eating rice and tuna does not match these percentages.

The 5 disadvantages of following a diet based on tuna and rice

  1. Lack of nutrients necessary for the body.
  2. The mood falls by always eating the same thing.
  3. Loss of muscle mass.
  4. Heavy digestions and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  5. Rebound effect. Lost kilos are easily gained once the diet has ended.

If you think about it, the rice and tuna diet, like so many others, promises us to lose weight in a short time with little effort, something that is totally illogical.

The best thing to do, and what we recommend over and over again, is to follow a healthy and balanced diet every day of the year, whims are allowed, what is not allowed is wanting to do the typical “bikini operation” in a few days and expect to have the best of results without damaging the stomach.

Yes, you can lose weight eating tuna and rice, but it is not worth it, it is better to include these foods and alternate them with the rest of the Mediterranean diet.

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