Baking soda for weight loss, does it work?

There are many people who believe that baking soda works when it comes to losing weight, but is this true? In this article we talk about this product with antacid characteristics, we explain its different uses both as a medicine and as uses in the kitchen, as well as the drawbacks that are found. As you will see below, you can find different uses for bicarbonate, but it is important that you know that it is not advisable as a method of losing weight.

What is baking soda?

  1. Let’s start, first of all, by knowing what sodium bicarbonate is. Baking soda is a white antacid compound found as a naturally occurring mineral in many living organisms, although it can also be produced artificially. There are many properties of sodium bicarbonate, among which are that it is alkaline and has different uses.
  2. However, there is no scientific study to support that baking soda helps with weight loss. It also does not solve overweight or multifactorial excess weight. The latter means that the cause of excess weight is due to many factors, such as excessive consumption of calories, a selection of foods rich in poor quality fats and sugars, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, emotional eating, lack of physical activity or daily movement. Nothing exists so far that can miraculously solve the problem of excess weight, so simply taking baking soda is also not an option.
  3. If sodium bicarbonate were a safe solution, many of the professionals would include it as part of the treatment or as a sole solution for weight loss. Or, even better, it would be so simple that you could solve weight loss all by yourself at home. It is always recommended to have criteria when listening to this type of miraculous advice that will lead you to frustration or not achieving anything and even generating a health problem.

Different uses of baking soda

As we told you a few lines above, baking soda can have different uses, both as a medicine and in the kitchen.

Uses of baking soda in the kitchen

  • If used in confectionery it helps to raise the dough, giving flavor and volume.
  • It is used to prepare, for example, tomato sauce to neutralize the acidity of the tomato.
  • It is added when soaking the beans to avoid gas when eating them.
  • It can be added to stews to make tough meat more tender.

Baking soda uses as a medicine 

  • In the bathtub, bicarbonate water helps reduce vaginal infections.
  • Gargle with baking soda for throat infections.
  • Relieves heartburn.
  • Relieves insect bites.

Disadvantages of baking soda to lose weight

Caution should be exercised in excessive consumption of baking soda, as it could negatively affect the body. It is recommended that you consult an expert before starting to use baking soda.

  • Although sodium bicarbonate may seem like an ideal home remedy, it is even used as a sports supplement to increase endurance, for weight loss, according to several studies, it is not effective. High intake of baking soda or consuming it too close to a heavy meal results in various stomach problems.
  • Baking soda, as its name suggests, has large amounts of sodium, which could affect the health of people with kidney or heart problems. Regular sodium intake can also cause hypertension, kidney and heart problems in otherwise healthy people.
  • Baking soda can interact with many medications, including aspirin, some antibiotics, and certain diabetes medications, so it should not be taken without first consulting your doctor.
  • Remember that the best thing to lose weight is to follow a balanced diet, and whenever you can, put yourself in the hands of a specialist. In addition, exercising is also essential to lose weight as regular training manages to gain muscle mass, which results in a healthy and fit silhouette. You just have to put your mind to it, and put aside the use of baking soda to lose weight.

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