At Christmas enjoy eating without gaining weight

We all fear the Christmas season for a particular reason: gaining a few extra kilos from the copious meals that take place at this time. In this article we offer you some tips and tricks so you can enjoy Christmas eating without gaining weight.

The main mistake that is made is to confuse the Christmas period in time. We began to see typical Christmas nougats and sweets in supermarkets almost a month before, and many times we succumb to their intake, exposing ourselves prematurely to the consumption of calories. The days that it is almost impossible to eat regularly are December 24 at night, December 25 at noon, December 31 at night, and perhaps New Year’s Day and Three Kings Day.

As we can see, there are already enough days of commitments with abundant meals ahead, so we must avoid stuffing ourselves with sweets and high-calorie foods the rest of the days. In this way it is very likely that due to the meals on specific days there is no reason toblatantly gain weight.

Enjoy Christmas without spending

It is very important and satisfying that you can enjoy Christmas evenings without giving up trying the delicious dishes that are cooked on those days. Here are some tips to eat at ease without going too far:

Try to drink a lot of water

It is very important that both on holidays and in between, you propose to drink a lot of water, at least 2 liters a day, as recommended. You can also do it in the form of teas and infusions, which are very diuretic. Try drinking two glasses of water before Christmas meals, you will be more satisfied when you start eating.

Avoid alcoholic beverages

Sometimes we don’t pay attention to it, but alcohol can make us fatter than food that seems greasy to our eyes. For this reason, this great protagonist of parties, especially wine and cava, must be drunk in moderation if you want to take care of your figure, trying to drink it only at special moments, such as a toast.

Eat on dessert plate

You can try all the foods you want but you have to take the quantities into account, as they are often the cause of those extra kilos. Therefore, it is recommended to eat on a dessert plate, since if we do it in a large one, we force ourselves to eat everything that fits in it.

Try to compensate for heavy meals during the day

That is, if you have eaten a lot during lunch on December 25, try to eat a light meal at night, preferably consisting of fruits and vegetables. Nor is it that, for example, on the 24th you don’t eat anything during the day waiting for dinner, since that would make you much hungrier. You just have to try to eat something healthy and light.

Decide with the desserts

We cannot eat a hearty dessert and then fill up on nougat. You have to decide on the sweet and think about what you prefer, a piece of nougat or an elaborate dessert. Another alternative is to eat a piece of fruit before tasting the nougat.

Do exercise

You have no excuse, the days when there is no celebration you can do some exercise to try to catch up on burning what is accumulating. You don’t need to put too much intensity on it, but yes, don’t stay still. Take walks, go shopping, decorate the house, etc. The question is not to stop moving.

Avoid snacking between meals

It is one of the golden rules whether inside or outside the Christmas period. Don’t be tempted to open that forbidden cupboard that calls out to you just when you’re on the sofa doing nothing. If you avoid snacking it will be much easier for you not to gain weight.

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