A pizza that doesn’t get fat? Of course!

If you are on a diet, you will already know that the first things you should eliminate from your diet are hamburgers, sweets, pizzas… since, in principle, they are foods with a high caloric intake. But, as we also know that it is a pain to be always on a diet and that you have to treat yourself from time to time, we bring you some tips so that you can make a pizza that does not get fat in a healthy way and without fear that your weight varies. Shall we get to work?  

How to make a pizza that is not fattening?

The calories in the pizza will vary depending on the type of ingredients used, their quantity or the thickness of the flour dough that serves as the base for the pizza. To ensure that you can enjoy a good slice of pizza without pangs of conscience, keep these tips in mind:

  • In the event that you feel like eating pizza, the best thing you can do is make it at home to your liking and in this way you will avoid extra calories.
  • The mass of the same must be as thin as possible, to avoid a good amount of calories.
  • Try at all times to water the pizza with different types of sauce, such as barbecue or carbonara, since they are too caloric and rich in sugar.
  • Do not add too many ingredients such as mozzarella, minced meat or bacon, those that can become a time bomb for your diet.
  • Become a fan of vegetarian pizza. You can make it based on tomato, onion, green pepper, mushroom or spinach and achieve a significant reduction in calories. If you haven’t tried it, it’s time for it, because it’s really delicious.

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