7 basic and simple yoga postures to lose weight easily

As you already know, yoga is one of the most wonderful physical activities that not only gives us visible results, it also offers us a very healthy and responsible lifestyle with our whole body. This type of exercise also teaches us that to look good on the outside we must be in complete harmony with our body.

Yoga can be used to calm many ailments, such as back or gas, but it also has great benefits when what we want to achieve is to lose a few extra pounds. Yes, you read that right: yoga can be used to lose weight along with a balanced diet and a series of well-being rules. Do you want to know what are the 7 basic and simple yoga postures to lose weight easily? In this article we explain all the postures you must perform to achieve your goals. Let’s see it!

How does yoga help lose weight? 

  • As we said, yoga is extremely beneficial to achieve the goal of losing weight, especially thanks to the complete work that our body does and the routines for a specific area. But, the main reason why it is ideal for losing weight is simply because each routine requires that we have an active body.
  • What do we mean by this? Put simply, yoga keeps your abs, thighs, pelvis, legs, arms, and feet strong. In this simple way, the muscles can begin to burn fat and calories while improving the flexibility and toning of the body. That sounds good! Are you still wondering if you should start doing yoga?

7 simple yoga poses to lose weight 

The best part of all is that, despite their high level of intensity, these are short, low-impact and very easy to practice routines that activate our entire body and, in general, our entire body. For this reason, it is highly recommended for everyone, even if you have an injury or muscle problem that prevents you from doing physical activity in a gym, lifting weights, or running. Have you already convinced yourself that it is the ideal exercise for you? Do not miss the yoga postures that we are going to tell you about below!

  1. Triangle pose

Also known as Trikonasana, this pose requires as much balance as possible. And it is precisely for this reason that all the muscles in the body tense and work together to eliminate fat from the waist, thighs, legs and also from the arms.

How it is performed? Very easy. Spread your legs as far apart as possible, then bend your right knee as you raise your left knee, always keeping your balance. Then lower your right hand to the floor or put it above the knee and stretch your left arm. Repeat the same on the other side.

  1. Cobra pose

The Bhujangasana posture is ideal for working the back muscles and helping to eliminate the fat that forms on it. It can also help us tone the arms and abdomen. To do it, you must lie face down, place your hands on the ground and only raise your upper trunk to stretch your back, without fully flexing your arms. In this way, you will activate your entire upper body.

  1. Warrior stance 

The warrior’s posture or Virabhadrasana consists of three variations to perform and are done as part of a yoga sequence. This will work the whole body eliminating fat and toning all the desired parts.

  • Warrior 1: we stand firm and bend the right leg, keeping the left fully stretched and the arms raised.
  • Warrior 2: we maintain the position, only this time you will rotate the torso and the left foot for a maximum stretch.
  • Warrior 3: we stand in the center with our feet firmly on the ground, then you will take a long step with your right leg to raise it, placing yourself in a straight line with your trunk. Stretch your arms out in front for balance.
  1. Plank pose

The Utthita Chaturanga Dadasana, known as the plank pose, is one of the most recommended asanas for weight loss. The reason? We intensely work the abdominal, arm, back and leg muscles to maintain balance for as long as possible.

To do it you will have to place the body face down and, then, firmly place the palms of the hands on the ground. Raise your body and keep it firm, resting your toes on the ground. Hold this position for around 10 seconds and increase by 5 seconds every two days. You will see the results immediately!

  1. Side Plank Pose

  • The Vasisthasana leads to the same benefits as the posture that we have mentioned in the previous point, however this time we focus on strengthening a specific side of the body. In this way you will gain resistance, balance and tone both in the abdominal muscles and in those of the legs, back and arms.
  • To perform it you will have to follow the same steps as in the plank position, but instead of staying in the center you must take the body to the right side. Stay in this position for about 10 seconds, and then switch sides. As in the previous case, you can add 5 seconds every two days.
  1. Boat pose 

  2. Paripurna Navasana is more recommended to work the abdominals and burn fat from the waist. However, you can also tone legs and arms thanks to the intensity and resistance work that you must maintain.
  3. To do this pose, sit with your back as straight as possible. Then raise your legs by straightening them while keeping your arms up for 10 seconds, increasing by 2 seconds every other day. This posture has some variations, such as resting your hands on the ground or raising your legs without fully stretching them.
  4. Bridge pose

  • In the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana posture, you will not only exercise the abdomen and legs, but you will also help the thyroid to work correctly so that it can release more metabolism hormones. This will help us burn calories and process food much better.
  • The bridge pose is done lying down with your legs and arms straight down. Then you must press on the ground with your palms and with your legs separated at the height of these. Raise your hips as high as possible for 10 seconds, adding more time every other day.
  • Remember that, to obtain better results, it is ideal that you practice complete yoga routines, have a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Losing weight has never been so easy!

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