3, 2, 1… operation bikini begins!

Summer is coming, you start to wear less clothes, to show more parts of your body, to wear tight t-shirts and to think about starting the bikini operation. And you are not the only one, there are many people who, at this time of the year, decide to go on a diet in order to eliminate a few extra kilos and be able to show off their great bodies on the beach or in the pool. If this is your case and you want to lose a little weight, you still have time. You just have to take good note of a series of tips that we give you and follow this series of menus that are very easy and simple to prepare that will help you say goodbye to those kilos that you have gained during the winter and be able to enjoy a good figure throughout the summer months. 3, 2, 1… operation bikini begins!

Objective: Bikini operation 

Food is a very important factor when it comes to losing weight, but it is also the habits that we have established in our day to day. That is why it is important when you face the bikini operation not only to change our way of eating, but also our way of taking care of ourselves in general. As? Easier than you can imagine:

  1. Working out. You can be on a diet in summer, winter, autumn and spring that if you do not complement it with daily exercise, you will not be able to tone your body. The best option is to go to the gym, but since this is often not possible due to lack of time, you can try other simpler and equally effective options, such as going up and down the stairs in your office or home, getting off one metro stop or bus before your destination and walk the rest of the way, or prepare a mini exercise plan (20 sit-ups every day) that you can do before leaving home in the morning.
  2. Creams, your great allies. In your goal to be divine this summer, everything adds up, so perhaps it is time to invest in an anti-cellulite and/or firming cream that will help you reduce the appearance of orange peel skin in those areas of the hips and buttocks.

Easy and simple menus for you to achieve your goal

These menus will provide about 1,300 calories a day, so it is a hypocaloric diet with which to lose weight quickly and effectively. The drink consists of water and you can eat a little whole wheat bread at all meals (better if it is not toasted or molded and no more than one finger-thick slice a day).

  • Menu 1. For breakfast you are going to have a cup of cereals that are rich in fiber along with about 200 milliliters of vegetable milk. At mid-morning you can eat a little fruit, how about 100 grams of strawberries? To eat, some lentils with vegetables, a mixed salad and a kiwi. In the middle of the afternoon, a low-fat yogurt, and for dinner grilled salmon accompanied by some spinach and an apple.
  • Menu 2. For breakfast you can have a glass of vegetable milk along with a couple of slices of whole wheat bread with olive oil. At mid-morning, a low-fat yogurt, and for lunch, a delicious gabarzo salad with vegetables and an apple. For snack, get a piece of fruit and, for dinner, grilled hake accompanied by a sauteed vegetable and 100 grams of strawberries.
  • Menu 3. At breakfast, opt for a glass of non-dairy milk along with a couple of slices of wholemeal bread with York ham. At mid-morning an orange (if it’s the juice it can be two) and for lunch a plate of pasta with mushrooms and leeks and an apple. For a snack, a low-fat yogurt, and for dinner prepare a hard-boiled egg with sautéed aubergines and a kiwi.
  • Menu 4. At breakfast time you can have a couple of slices of wholemeal bread with olive oil and a glass of vegetable milk. At mid-morning a coffee with milk and a piece of fruit, in this case we suggest a pear. At lunchtime, prepare a plate of ratatouille from Manchego with a piece of grilled hake and an apple. For a snack, a slice of wholemeal bread with a bit of serrano ham. At dinner you can have some vegetable gazpacho.
  • Menu 5. At breakfast, a glass of vegetable milk along with a couple of whole wheat toasts with tomato and olive oil. At mid-morning a decaf along with some bread (remember, always integral). At lunch you can make a fish paella with a mixed salad. For a snack, a low-fat yogurt with a kiwi and, for dinner, a French omelette with some boiled beans and an apple.

Finally, remember that once you have achieved your goal, lose two or three kilos, then you must go on a maintenance diet. It is useless to be on a diet for a month if then in a week you throw everything out the window, and it is that in this thing of being in shape it is very important to be constant and have willpower. Can!

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