15 recommendations to lose weight in a healthy way

Control of body weight is achieved by adjusting consumption to caloric expenditure. In order to maintain this balance, between the energy that is supplied to the body and that which it consumes, it is necessary to establish, as one of the main measures, appropriate dietary patterns to avoid weight gain.

15 tips to lose weight with health

  1. Choose foods with little fat.
  2. Moderate the consumption of red meat and increase the consumption of fish.
  3. Consume fruits, vegetables and vegetables in abundance.
  4. Drink water, between 1.5 and 2 liters daily.
  5. Limit the consumption of fried, battered or cooked foods with excessive fat. Cooked or grilled foods will be of choice.
  6. Divide the food into 5 meals: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner.
  7. Eat slowly and chew your food very well.
  8. Eat seated and in company.
  9. You should never skip breakfast, since a prolonged fast favors the activation of fat storage mechanisms.
  10. You should not snack between meals. In your case, when you are hungry, you should have low-calorie foods (for example, an apple), or perform an activity that is incompatible with the act of eating.
  11. Use small plates and spread the food on them.
  12. Try to be creative in the kitchen, use seasonings that give the dishes a pleasant smell, flavor and color, thus avoiding monotony.
  13. Plan in advance what you are going to eat, and prepare meals when you are not hungry.
  14. Go shopping with a closed list of products.
  15. There should not be a list of prohibitions and obligations, but detailed information on the way of eating.

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