10 forbidden (or discouraged) foods to lose weight

The most important thing in any type of diet is to follow a type of healthy eating that allows you to maintain habits over time to enhance your health and lose weight in a healthy way. In this article we tell you about the foods that are prohibited or discouraged and that you must eliminate or modify from your daily diet.

10 unadvised foods to lose weight

  1. Sugars

Sugar is present in foods such as sweets, sugary drinks, jam, honey or fruit juices, but it is also hidden in other foods, such as smoked salmon or crushed tomatoes, among others. We end up consuming a lot of sugar that can have a negative impact on maintaining a healthy weight.

  1. Fats

Saturated fats are not recommended if you are looking to lose a few kilos and follow a healthy diet. That is why you should not consume foods such as fatty and processed meats such as sausages, margarine, butter or pate.

  1. Fried

Fried foods are other prohibited or discouraged products in your daily diet. You should avoid batters and products such as croquettes, breaded chicken or fried fish and it is important to avoid excessive browning.

  1. Alcohol

Alcohol is toxic, a source of empty calories that do not contribute anything, as well as being very caloric. That is why you should not drink any alcohol while you want to lose some weight, although it is advisable to never drink it.

  1. Carbohydrates

Foods made from refined flours should be replaced by unrefined ones, that is, whole grain or whole grain forms. Thus, you will provide satiety and micronutrients.

  1. Ice creams

Although many people believe that they are healthy and perfect foods to eat in summer, most of them contain a large amount of sugar and poor quality fats, which makes them very caloric and unhealthy. On the other hand, salt, although it is a caloric ingredient, its excessive use can cause fluid retention in your body in the form of swelling and edema.

  1. Fruit juice

Most of the people think that juices are healthy and perfect for the body. Juices have a very large amount of sugar that must be avoided if you want to lose a few kilos and enhance your health.

  1. Bread

Bread usually appears in many meals during the day and this causes the consumption of other foods that may be more nutritionally interesting to be displaced. You should moderate your daily consumption because it can be an extra source of energy. It is advisable to eat wholemeal bread since it is much healthier than that made with normal flour.

  1. Dairy products

Although they have good properties for the body, dairy products are usually not recommended if you want to lose weight. But you have to know that the type of saturated fat contained in dairy products does not raise LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.

  1. Prepared sauces

Ketchup, mustard, barbecue… There is something for all tastes, but all of them are characterized by their fatty nature and by being highly caloric. If you also take into account the large amount of added sugars, artificial colors, additives and preservatives they contain, it will be better to discard them from your daily diet if what you want is to lose weight. A good alternative is to make the sauces yourself at home with completely natural ingredients. Rich and healthy!

Foods that you should include in your diet to lose weight

Just as there are some foods that you should eliminate from your diet if you are looking to lose weight, there are others that are absolutely recommended to achieve that goal and boost your health. Take note!

  1. Fruit

In addition to providing a large amount of fiber and being rich in vitamins and minerals, fruits help regulate your metabolism, prevent diseases and improve digestion. They are all recommended, although you can write down the following suggestions:

  • Pineapple: rich in bromelain, it favors the digestion of proteins.
  • Avocado – In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains healthy fat.
  • Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, kiwis: they contain vitamin C with an antioxidant character.
  • Bananas: bananas are not fattening, they are rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of your body.
  1. Vegetables

Vegetables should be included in any healthy and balanced diet. Among them, the most beneficial are:

  • Chard, spinach and lettuce: green leafy vegetables contain vitamin K necessary for proper coagulation.
  • Celery: Celery is an excellent food as it contains flavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. 100% recommended!
  1. Legumes

Some legumes, such as lentils and chickpeas, are ideal for weight loss. They are a source of vegetable protein rich in calcium, fiber among other nutrients. Of course, it is preferable that you consume them fresh and not canned in the form of pre-cooked.

  1. Shellfish

Several studies have shown that the monounsaturated fats that seafood contains are essential and that it is a food group that provides us with a low amount of energy. Even so, do not forget to consume it in moderation.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is highly recommended because it has a high fiber content that prevents spikes in blood sugar, decreases the absorption of fat, regulates intestinal transit and generates a satiating effect.

  1. Fish

Fish is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals and fatty acids. To lose weight, introduce it into your diet by cooking it grilled, steamed, papillote or baked.

Golden rules to keep in mind to lose weight

The experts are clear: to lose weight and maintain it in the long term, the only key is to follow a varied and balanced diet and accompany it with physical exercise. Do not forget these premises:

  1. Balance and moderation

The goal of any weight loss plan is to eat fewer calories than the body uses to create a caloric deficit.

  1. Fundamental to do sport

Cardiovascular exercises such as brisk walking, cycling or running are effective and essential, as are strength exercises.

  1. Being on a diet does not mean going hungry

The real key is in quantity and quality. You must know how to choose well and always opt for those foods that nourish you and enhance your health.

  1. It is not about dieting, but about changing habits

It is useless for you to spend three months following a demanding and restrictive regimen if you are going to return to the same inadequate diet as always. If what you want, in addition to losing weight, is to maintain it in the long term, you should not understand diet as a special way of eating during a specific period, but as a change in habits for life.

  1. Apply the law of listening to your body

If one day you spend eating, for example, and its time for dinner, listen to your body. If you don’t really ask for food physiology or real hunger, don’t eat to eat or eat if you’re really hungry.

  1. Eat if you are physiologically hungry

If you really suppress hunger, the only thing you will achieve is to arrive with a ferocious hunger for the next meal and destroy everything. You will get the opposite effect to the desired one!

  1. Dieting does not mean having to give up meetings with friends and family

In most bars and restaurants, they offer light and healthy alternatives such as salads, vegetable dishes, fish or grilled meat… but if you decide to take less healthy options, don’t feel guilty and enjoy the moment.

  1. Enjoy what you eat

A healthy diet that at the same time allows you to lose weight does not have to be boring. Try mixing ingredients, experiment in the kitchen, create and savor. You will surprise yourself!

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