10 foods that are not as healthy as you thought in the diet

When starting a certain weight loss plan, it is important to know what you should eat and what is totally prohibited. The diet should be based on a series of healthy and low-calorie foods that help you lose those extra kilos. Take good note of the 10 foods that are not as healthy as you thought and are harmful to health.

These are the 10 foods that are not so healthy

  1. Skimmed milk

It is true that this type of milk hardly has calories but it hardly provides nutrients to the body. Therefore, you must take into account what each of the products you include in your diet is contributing to you. Some of the skim milk that you can find in the supermarket is fortified with nutrients that can be beneficial for your body.

  1. Wholemeal bread

This type of bread uses wheat flour just like normal bread, so it is quite caloric. It is a food that has many preservatives and other substances that are harmful to health, so you should take its contribution into account if you consume it in excess.

  1. Isotonic drinks

As with bars, isotonic drinks are perfect for physically recovering after physical exertion. However, they are too caloric and contain a large amount of sugar, so it is necessary to consume them with some common sense.

  1. Energy bars

This type of product is popular among athletes because they help to obtain energy in an immediate way. However, they are products with a high sugar content that is quite harmful to health. You should consume this food in moderation and reduce your intake to certain situations.

  1. Fruit juices

Industrial fruit juices are too caloric and contain a lot of sugar, so they are not good for your daily diet. It is better to choose to drink water or infusions since they are much healthier and less harmful. It is important to take these data into account, especially in the diets of the smallest members of the house in which this type of juice can be very present. Also watch out for smoothies!

  1. Yoghurt 

Although it may be rich in calcium, yogurt usually contains a lot of sugar that is not beneficial for health. The most advisable and healthy thing is to consume natural yogurt and add some fruit. You can also try it with honey or with the dried fruit that you like the most.

  1. Soft drinks

It is true that light soft drinks contain very few calories, but this does not mean that they are healthy for the body. They contain numerous dyes and other types of substances that can cause health problems.

  1. Breakfast cereals

Although most people believe it is the best option for breakfast, these are products with a high sugar and salt content that is very harmful to health. The same goes for granola, which can seem very healthy. In order for cereals to taste so rich, a lot of sugar and other types of additives are added that you would not expect to find in cereals.

  1. Honey

It is true that it is a very nutritious food and that it provides a good amount of energy to the body. However, it should not be taken in excess as it is very caloric due to the large amount of glucose it contains. It is the perfect accompaniment to products such as yogurt.

  1. Fruits in syrup

It is true that it is fruit, but if they are in syrup they are not so healthy for your diet. They are highly caloric and contain a lot of sugar, which is counterproductive for people who follow a diet and want to lose weight.

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